Granny Heart Bunting

You will no doubt have seen, as I have, the many, beautiful and varied styles of crocheted bunting there are out and about in Blogland.  I've seen many in the traditional triangular shape but the first one that really set my heart racing was this

pretty little heart version on Lucy's Attic 24 site.  But after searching around for various patterns, I also found this

very wonderful granny square style bunting by Loretta from a shoebox full of photographs which I also adore.

I continued the search but I couldn't find exactly the thing I was looking for.  I wanted cutsey pie hearts but also I wanted the granny look.  So, in the end I decided the set about making my own version.  It took a few trials and quite a few errors but in the end I got something I was very happy with.  This dinky little shape here...

...isn't it?  Don't you think?  It's all that I hoped it would be, full of granny holes and charmingly hearty in shape, plus I needed the picots for a extra cutey cute touch.

At last I was in business and production could begin!  I set to work and made myself a little stack to be strung together.  Originally that was going to be that, pretty hearts on a string but while making them it came to me that they should have a little decoration.  So I broke out the buttons, ribbon and beads and let the fun commence!

I whiled away a good few hours placing, arranging, re-arranging and eventually sewing into place my decorative oddments until I was happy with the results.  And how happy with the results I was!  Do you want to see?  Sure you do, let's look...

And here it is in my creative and crafty little den.  Not the best photo on a dull day, but you get the idea, it's working it's cheerful magic and I makes me smile like a simpleton every time I go upstairs and get a beautiful glimpse.  

Now, let's get done to business.  Lets imagine that you quite liked the idea of having your own bunting and you too wanted a granny-ish, heart-ish type shape.  Well, if that scenario does come about then you'll be very pleased to know that I have written up the pattern for your delight and bunting-creating needs!  You'll find the download link at the bottom of this post.

I'm also providing a tutorial (my first one - wow!) to show, step by step, how to make the hearts.  You'll find that in the post below this one by scrolling down a little lower.  Or, in case you're not reading chronologically and you came to this post through some other link or while browsing or whatever, then you can use this link to jump straight to it now.

I'm going to leave you with some slightly closer pictures so you can see the decorative what-nots, in case you'd like any ideas.

Super!  So now, you've got practically no excuse not to make any!

Visit the Cherry Heart Boutique the download the pattern, it's in the crochet section.

I hope you enjoy the pattern and if I have made a tremendous foul-up anywhere, feel free to contact me!

S x