School's Out and I Can't Commit

Like many of you, we have now finished school for the summer.  Sports Day has been won (Red Team came second), gifts have been given, drawers have been cleared out and PE kits have been sent home.  School holidays have begun in earnest this week and my life changes pace for a month and a half.

It's taken us a little while to settle into a summer routine in previous years, my little one and me.  I still have a job to do, albeit a fantastically flexible one that allows me to take my 'assistant' along with me (with a bag of toys in tow).  After that there's still the housework to be done and 'little helpers' do get bored of dusting and waiting for their turn with the hoover.  Not to mention all the cooking and washing and ironing and a million and one other tedious 'grown-up' jobs.   However, this year it seems a lot easier.  Another year older and much more self sufficiency are making a difference and we're both adapting well this time.

We have lots of plans for this summer too.  Today it was Hama beading, great fun for children (and adults) we made lots of colourful creations that we're very proud of.  Conquering bike riding is on the list, the stabilizers are off and the practise sessions have started.  Plus we'll be swimming, baking, climbing, swinging, picnicking and playing.

The only thing I'm not sure when I'll fit in is the crafting!  It's a shame I can't get stuck into my newly found and burgeoning love, quilting.  Unfortunately I don't think sitting down at the sewing machine for a few hours will meet with approval when I'm supposed to be 'Entertainments Officer' for the Summer!  (That didn't stop me ordering some new fabric though.  It'll be coming to a post near you soon.)  My best bet is probably crochet.  I can easily fit that into any spare moment, should I ever happen to get one.  The trouble is, I'm having terrible commitment issues at the moment.

Normally I'm a very monogamous knitter, or crocheter, whichever the case may happen to be on that occasion but just now I have lots of 'almost finished' things hanging around.

I've almost finished this...

.... but I'll need to do some sewing to get that completed so we'll have to pray for a 'playing at my friend's' or 'Daddy's home early' type day for that one.

I've very nearly finished this...

...very close with this one.  Just needs unpinning and photos.  Maybe I can teach my 'helper' the art of the non-shaky shot?

I've almost finished making something with this...

... it only needs a last finishing touch but I just keep forgetting about it!

I've got these hanging around which I have plans for...

... but it maybe slightly fiddly so I haven't got around to it yet.

You see what I mean?  Lots of almost nearly-ing and not a lot of ta-dah-ing.  So what does everybody with unfinished projects sitting around do?

That's right, start on something else!  This is going to be a nice little something to go with my lovely new Cath Kidston quilt cover which I put on for the first time today.

Pretty isn't it?

The thing is, it's so much easier to sit along side my little one and catch a few moments hooky time on the sofa.  Much easier than it is to scrabble around finding out a half finished project and start thinking about what on earth I should be doing to get it done or take my lazy self up the stairs to sew something I need to sew.

It is the holidays after all! 

S x