Easter Goodies

 Did you have a lovely Easter?  We had a nice one, a lazy one and a completely stuff yourself full of food one.  Too many goodies around and not enough willpower over here to resist.  Oh well, that's what holidays are for isn't it?  I'll have to climb back on the wagon next week.

It's been nice to see my bunnies hopping along the mantlepiece again and I'm actually pleased with the way the Easter tree turned out for once.  These branches are fake ones, but as they look better than the real ones normally do, I'm happy with plastic fantastic this year.

I've been indulging in other ways too, by treating myself to a frankly alarming amount of fabric.  Looks like my resistance has been weakened by too much chocolate and sweetness.  Look at this lovely lot though, who can blame me?

The bottom pile and the ribbon is from The Eternal Maker and the top pile is from Tikki Patchwork.  I thought maybe you'd want to know?  No, no reason at all.

Then there was this plentiful pile from The Cotton Patch.  I find I've been drawn to more earthy, prairie, muted fabrics lately.  A Posie gets Cozy kind of palette, I think of it as.  Although I did get a few of my more  usual brighter fabrics too.

Then, I finally, finally managed to track down some Liberty Tana Lawn fabrics in this country.  I mean I know I can buy from Liberty direct, but a whole meter for £22 is not what I had in mind.  I got these quite small pieces from a fabulous little shop on Folksy, Very Berry Fabrics.

Then, as if I hadn't treated myself enough, look what came winging it's way to me before Easter.  I was the very lucky winner of the Knitsofacto giveaway and look at this wonderful bounty.  I'm sure many of you will be familiar with Annie's sumptuous, well written blog and immaculate work, but it you aren't, rush over now because you've been missing out!

Thank you so much Annie, I love, love, love these pieces so much.  Although I do keep getting the urge to colour that print in, it's the child in me I think.  But don't worry, I won't!

I also have some belated thank you's to give:

First to Verity of Knit Stitch Sew for awarding me the Inspirational Craft Blogger Award
Then to the lovely Alessandra of Homemade@myplace for awarding me the Liebster Blog Award
Last but not at all least is Else from Liefs Else for awarding me the Liebster Blog Award

Thank you so much for thinking of me, it's so kind of you!  And if you're interested in finding out some of those facts about me that these awards see to want you to share, here's mine from before...

You'll find a list of my favourite blogs on the 'ME' page if you want to know the blogs I love.  And rather than mention a whole load of new ones here, I'll continue to mention them now and again as I post, like I have done before.

There is one blog that's really caught my eye lately though, Down Grapevine Lane by Sedef.  
She's not been blogging very long and crocheting less but you'd never know it.  She contacted me to say she'd made one of my African Flower Pincushions, so I popped over to take a look and I was impressed!  Her blog is stunning and her crochet work looks perfect already.  Take a moment to stop by and say hi, you won't regret it!

S x

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