This post is aimed at rather a niche audience.
It's for those of you who are a bit nutty about Christmas and in particular the decorating of the house and trimming of the tree for this yuletide period. It is not focusing on anything at all worthwhile, it is solely concentrating on the flim flammery of the season. The fluff, the glitter and the superficial and the sparkly.
I can understand if this sort of post holds no particular interest for you. But, if you do get a little giddy tinge of excitement at the thought of getting the boxes out of the loft and give little gasps of delight as you uncover almost forgotten sparkly treasures from years gone past, then this is a post for you.
I've been promising you a closer look at this season's decorative offerings since they went up and so now I am going to keep my word and give you that viewing.
Here's my main tree this year. As I mentioned before, I've gone with a semi-sophisticated theme. Really, quite adult for me. I've cherry picked all my gold, silver, cream and white decorations, added in any soft pinks, pale greens and subtle browns I've come across and with a restraint I don't often show at this time of year, I've left it at that.
I haven't done a 'themed' tree for quite a few years now and it does make a change from my more usual 'throw it all on any colour, any how' style, which you can glimpse from last years posts here, here and here. Which I do rather adore and looking back, I do miss it a bit, but I think I can manage to have a grown up tree for one year at least.
Meanwhile, all my favourite colourful bits and vintagey baubles are hanging out on the second, creamy tree. Tough to get a good shot of this one, it's badly situated photogenically speaking but it does offer excellent Christmassy views while I'm cooking and baking so that's good.
I'll let you get the remainder of your glitzy fix in peace...
...just keep an eye out for my gold encrusted stag (hello!)
He's new this year and I love him to bits, he looks so majestic on my mantle.

It's for those of you who are a bit nutty about Christmas and in particular the decorating of the house and trimming of the tree for this yuletide period. It is not focusing on anything at all worthwhile, it is solely concentrating on the flim flammery of the season. The fluff, the glitter and the superficial and the sparkly.
I can understand if this sort of post holds no particular interest for you. But, if you do get a little giddy tinge of excitement at the thought of getting the boxes out of the loft and give little gasps of delight as you uncover almost forgotten sparkly treasures from years gone past, then this is a post for you.
I've been promising you a closer look at this season's decorative offerings since they went up and so now I am going to keep my word and give you that viewing.
Here's my main tree this year. As I mentioned before, I've gone with a semi-sophisticated theme. Really, quite adult for me. I've cherry picked all my gold, silver, cream and white decorations, added in any soft pinks, pale greens and subtle browns I've come across and with a restraint I don't often show at this time of year, I've left it at that.
I haven't done a 'themed' tree for quite a few years now and it does make a change from my more usual 'throw it all on any colour, any how' style, which you can glimpse from last years posts here, here and here. Which I do rather adore and looking back, I do miss it a bit, but I think I can manage to have a grown up tree for one year at least.
Meanwhile, all my favourite colourful bits and vintagey baubles are hanging out on the second, creamy tree. Tough to get a good shot of this one, it's badly situated photogenically speaking but it does offer excellent Christmassy views while I'm cooking and baking so that's good.
I'll let you get the remainder of your glitzy fix in peace...
...just keep an eye out for my gold encrusted stag (hello!)
He's new this year and I love him to bits, he looks so majestic on my mantle.
