Some things...

 Thank you so much for your response to my Colour Theory Blanket in the last post.  I must say you certainly made me feel a lot better about the whole thing, you really did.  For all my fuss and bother about it, maybe things worked out just as it should after all.

Incidentally that picture above is a portion of the vast amount of ends that I had to deal with on this blanket.  For some perverse reason I kept them all collected up in a little basket during the whole process.  Some slightly sadistic part of me wanted to see how huge the pile would be and I was intrigued to see how much of the yarn I was using would just snipped off and thrown away.  It turns out this lot weighed 30g  (Yikes!)

I've seen people make good use of ends like this.  They make them into felt balls and such, but there's not a chance that I'm sorting through them, so they are going to the birds.  There should be some beautifully colourful nests about the neighbourhood this season.

But on to business, today I thought I'd show you a little of what me and my hook have been up to around these parts lately.  A collection of 'some things' that I thought you might like to see...

My Ricicles Shawl, version 2.1

As version 2.0 was really just a tester piece, I didn't have enough yarn to finish.  In the end I purchased some cotton to make my 'spring' version out of and on impulse shoved in this brighter pink.  I like it but I think it's turned my spring shawl into a summer one?

 A tea bubble

I got three of these gorgeous shaped cups from the Tea and Kate website the other day and I love them so much.  Look at that rounded little botty.  I call them the tea pods.  We don't have cups of tea in this house any more, we have a 'pod' of tea.  It's like drinking out of a ceramic bubble.  Fantastic.

 Plans afoot!

I've started work on a sort of bloggy spin off project I've been thinking about for a quite a while now.  Crochet lovers will be happy - I hope.

 Loopy Lou

This is almost finished now and I want to show you what I've been up to, so the quest for some decent photography light begins.  I've also been racking my brains for a name for this thing and maybe the title I just used above, on a whim, might work...

After the rain

The chances of getting the aforementioned light seen to have increased significantly lately.  The other day when the sun came out I was so excited I popped into the garden to take some shots in the sun and it felt like a rare and wonderful treat. (And yes, my lawn is in dire need of a haircut!)


I posted this on Instagram today, just because it pleased me.  I thought that was reason enough to shove it on here too.  Just because.

S x

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