Dolly Mixture Blanket
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There is now a downloadable PDF for this blanket... Dolly Mixtures Blanket
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I finished the marathon!
Just in case that isn't quite enough information to fill you in on the reason for my current chipper state of mind, let me elucidate a little further....
Many moons ago, I started a simple granny square blanket, one of those candy coloured, bright and cheerful ones that I've seen and admired on Pinterest so often. And since I began, back in July, I have been plodding slowly onward, like a trusty donkey, making squares here and there between other projects. It's been a bit of a drawn out process and you can read all about my clever 'marathon' analogy in this post here, should you wish to. (Or just skip the words and check out the 'granny' eye candy pictures - I quite liked how they came out.)
Anyway, now you're up to speed, you can see why I'm happy to have reached the finish line can't you? Nothing more satisfying to tick off the wip list than a big beast of a project that's taken it's time to complete.

I think that's half the reason I enjoyed making this one so much, because these colours are so heart-liftingly, happy making. Even at the end of the project, when every conceivable combination has been tried and rejected or enjoyed, I didn't tire of these colours together. A rare tribute indeed.
I'd like to think that it's a sign of my increasing maturity, or possibly my increasing fickleness, that as I was on the home straight with the end in sight I suddenly decided to add a tricky little edging to the border. Something that meant extra rounds, extra yarn and extra work. I like those little pom-pom edges that people are adding to their blankets these days you see and I wanted to do something similar.
So, to get a similar effect but without the risk of ending up with bedraggled ex pom-poms littering the place, I decided to substitute little crochet circles instead. Thus saving myself a lot of work and potential disappointment later. It's not quite as gorgeous and wonderful as the full 'pom' experience perhaps but I know this 'safety first' approach is the right one for me.
Well, there you have it. I hope looking at it will give you some of the pleasure that it has been giving me. I'm loving having it around so much at the moment that I might poach the thing and squirrel it away into my 'new and improved' craft room.
Selfish of me maybe, but on reflection, I've decided I'm worth it!
❖ I N T E R E S T I N G B L A N K E T T H I N G S ❖
Blanket Weight: 1516g
Total Yardage: 5000 (approx)
Crochet Hook: 4mm (G)
Size: 195 x 130cm (78 x 51')
In reality I've used a mish mash of old left over bits of DK colours from stash but as you know, you never 'use up' stash without having to buy some more to finish, so here's the colours I ended up with:
Stylecraft Special DK:
Aster - 1003
Cream - 1005
Sherbert - 1034
Fondant - 1241
Lipstick - 1246
King Cole Big Value:
Pastel Pink - 325
Jarol Heritage:
Lime - 13
Sirdar Country Style:
Kensington Gardens (Jade green ) - 617
Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Aran - Gold 034
I'm glad to say I managed to get a pdf pattern written up!
Just scroll down a little for the link to download...
There's also a couple of helpful photo tutorials from my Crochet Corner site, to help get you started with the basics:
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There is now a downloadable PDF for this blanket...
Dolly Mixtures Blanket
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S x