Some things...
I think I can safely say I haven't quite got my act together again yet. I've been feeling this way since Easter and another bank holiday, although lovely, has not helped. It did provide an opportunity to visit family, be in the garden, sit in the sun and go for walks though so there is a big fat silver lining to be had.
The trouble is, it also means that I haven't really got myself sorted out in regard to photos of finished things to show you yet though and so I thought it might be nice to show you the beginnings of things instead. It's a bit of a mish mash but I quite like these compilations of 'Some Things' posts that I've being doing lately, like here and here.
It's a nice way to show you some of the little bits and pieces that are going on. Things I've started, things that I'm working on, new stash additions, or things I just think you might like to see. So I thought I might try and do one every so often. Maybe one a month, maybe not, we'll see.
Anyway, let's begin shall we?
First up, I've been knitting. It feels like a long time since I last did any of that. In fact, I thought for a moment I'd almost forgot how to cast on but I think I was just having a 'moment' as it came back a second later. Anyway, for some mad reason I decided to ease myself back in with a huge project for this rather cute tunic. It's been on my list forever and to be honest I was starting to think it would never happen. I'm racing through it though, as you can see in the top picture and I'm almost finished on this one, so I'll be back to share more on this soon.
Stash Squares
I started making these squares with a view to making a new cushion cover for my living room. This is a real stash project. I'm using a lot of odds and ends of Baby Cashmerino which I have left that aren't going to be big enough to do a lot more with. I know a lot of the colours have been discontinued now too, so there's no hope of buying more for a bigger projects.
The original squares were part of a gorgeous jacket designed by Sidsel J Høivik, but I'm using Lucy's wonderful 'Little Coat Squares' tutorial on Attic24 which the designer was kind enough to let her share.
False Start
After getting the knitting bug back again I was all fired up for another project but this one has ended in tears. (Not literally I'm glad to say.) I struggled with this from the beginning, undoing my first attempt about 12 rows in as I decided my cast on was too tight. Got a little further second time around but even though my gauge is good and the fit will be great on most of me, I fear a little tubbiness around the tummy is going to mean I have to go up a size.
It seems sadly necessary for me to cut back on the creamy lattes and sneaky chocolate snacks, but in the meantime I don't have enough yarn to make a bigger size so I'm abandoning this one for now. It's a very pretty top, called Delphine from the book French Girl Knits so I'll hope to come back to it at some point.
Loved to death
Nearly two years ago I made a little girl a little bunny. The little girl hadn't been born then but she'll be two in a few months and I'm happy to say that the bunny has turned into a firm bed-time favourite. So much so that it's looking a little worse for wear. It's often chewed ears and hands are now a little misshapen and frayed, the force of it's owners love making it look more than a little weary. That little girl's Mummy, my sister, afraid that the strain might one day be too much has requested a back-up bunny.
So along came a bunny twin. She, unfortunately is not quite as good looking as her sibling. Her features are a little heavy and not as cute as I was hoping for, but faces are not my strength and as even this level of beauty took several attempts I decided to leave it be and hope that love would win out in the end.
I'm glad to say 'back-up bunny' has been accepted into the fold by my sweet little niece without a murmur and is sharing the bed-time soothing work with the original wonderfully well.
Last of all a nice little quickie that I actually made at Easter but haven't got around to sharing yet. It's become a favourite for those over-sized yarn needles that often don't fit well into normal fabric pincushions. The needles slip in nicely between the double crochets that make up this one and because I stuffed it reasonably tight they are not disappearing right down into it all the time like they did into my old, squiggy one. Just what I wanted and I've been using it constantly since I whipped it up.
It's a small thing but it makes me happy!
S x