Cotton Candy Cupcakes
I originally made these cupcakes quite a while ago and I never posted about it at the time, so I thought I'd better redress that now. Some time after I made my Yummy Scrummy Cupcakes, I had a hankering to make a set of cakes in a 4ply cotton. I'd been using Rowan Milk Cotton for a few little projects and had found it beautiful to work with and been very pleased with the results, so I took myself on a trip to my local John Lewis and spend a happy half hour perusing all the available colours and deciding on the best cakey combinations. Ahhh, such bliss!
Now I had my lovely yarn, I made a start. I didn't want to use the Yummy Scrummy pattern because I was using a smaller yarn size and I still wanted the cupcakes to be the correct kind of 'cupcakey' size. Also, although I do love my Yummy Scrummy Cupcakes, they do have a very full top and I wanted I little more of the authentic baked look for this batch. So, I set about experimenting with different sizes and stitches until I had a new pattern that I was happy with.
And of course, I'm particularly fond of the cherries on top, especially the stalks and the way they curl over. Little things eh?
I spent quite a ridiculously long time on this project, considering they are such little things, but I wanted them to look just right and I wanted every element to be of my own creation, so that it could all be included in the pattern. Because, yes, there is a pattern! That way, hopefully everyone else (who enjoys such frivolity as I do), could re-create them too.
So here they are, arranged of their cake stand, looking wonderful and almost too cutsie-pie for words. I have them sitting out on the sideboard in my hall where I can enjoy them every time I go past and what happiness they bring me. (I told you it was the little things that please this mind!)
If you too find that these silly little trifles make you heart swell with creative urges and longings, I have put the in my shop and you can fly straight to it now if you should wish too with this link:
Yummy Scrummy Cotton Candy Cupcakes
I'm asking a small charge for this pattern as I spent such time and love putting all this cakey goodness together and I felt that was worth a little something. I hope you do too, but you could always try some Yummy Scrummy Cupcakes if you're not convinced, as they are free as a bird!
Love to one and all,
S x