Roses and Daisies

I recently brought this lovely book called "Crocheted Throws and Wraps: 25 Throws, Wraps, and Blankets to Crochet" and found quite a few projects in it that I wanted to make straight away.  Look...

But the absolutely best one, in my opinion, is the Roses and Daisies Baby Blanket.  It's only a small blanket, so I'm going to use it as a lap blanket for my Little One to have in the car.

I already had a lot of dk and sport yarn in various colours, so I set to work testing out the two square patterns.  For some reason I had a bit of trouble with gauge.  I know, it's a blanket so it doesn't really matter, but if I made them in dk with my usual 4.0mm hook they came out looking too big for my liking.  Even using the recommended 3.5mm hook they came out larger than the pattern states.  Luckily I had quite a lot of sport weight colours mixed in there too, like Debbie Bliss Cashmerino and Bergere de France Ideal and even a 4ply.  So, if I use my 3.5mm hook and remember keep the white (dk) edging nice and tight, the squares came out a very pleasing 9cms which seems to me to look just the right kind of size.

So, I set to work manufacturing all the squares I need, 99 in total, 49 roses and 50 daisies.  I started on the roses first, as they took a tiny bit longer to make than the daisies.  At first I only had a few...

>But they started to multiply

And before long I had piles of them

I managed to complete all the roses and started work on the daisies before I went away, so it's coming along grandly.  Now I'm back, I've ploughed straight back into them.  It's getting quite exciting now, I can't wait to start putting them all together.  I have high hopes for this little teeny blanket.  I think it's going to be fab!  

S x

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