Thursday's Child

Just a real quickie this time as it's busy today.  School sport events, late clubs, visitors and all sorts going on!

Here is the other decorative, hanger/garlandy type of thing I wanted to show you.  This is the one I'm happier with.

It's a little more simple, maybe it could do with a few more bells and whistles but overall, I'm pretty pleased. 

S x


  1. I think this is adorable Sandra, just perfectly ripe and delicious. I'm still having fun with your hearts at the moment which will hopefully make as nice a garland as yours did. Just love the colours you match up. Hugs Cherry xxxx

  2. Love it, the top one looks like it is smiling.

  3. Ooooh the apples are very cute! They're really lovely :-)

  4. that is sooooo cute! I love it! Do you have a pattern of it?
