
I don't know if you recall, or were even here when I wrote a post which included a couple of thrifty and free furniture finds that I had plans to re-vamp?  Here's the pictures of what they looked like when I got hold of them.

Those are my 'before' shots then, and fairly bleak they both looked to start with, to my mind.  But, fear not, for I had ideas for the prettification and beautifying of these two little gems.

First the slow, dull and arduous necessitiy of sanding all the woodwork down.

Luckily I had a nice dry day to get this job done outside, because it does make a bit of a mess.  It's amazing how much sanding is required and dust produced from just two small nestling tables!

Then, the much nicer task of painting began.

Sometimes, I had help.  Well, I say help... company at least

You know, there is a lot more surface to be painted on two tiny little nestling tables than one might at first think too.  Especially if you give them three coats!  Still, at last it was done and the really fun stuff could begin...

Pretty oilcloth and a deathly stapler gun, that's what fun is made of.  There's nothing like belting bits of metal into wood at high speed to cheer a girl up I can tell you!

Originally, I was going to crochet a cover for my footstool, but somewhere along the way, I got the idea of a sewn cover.  (Let's face it, I just wanted to use the staple gun some more!)  So I found an excellent use for some more of my thrifty goodies.

 Ooh, that's one of my favourite pictures, that doily shot.  Such, dainty, granny, vintage, crochet, chic, goodness.  Warm heart, happy sigh.  Wonderful!

So, let's have some 'after' shots then...

It was when I got to the corners that I began to be a little worried that with their oilcloth jackets the tables might not continue to nestle together quite so sweetly.  I'm glad to say though, that I managed to tuck those corners in quite nice and neatly, so my concerns were unfounded and they nestle as well as they ever did.

Cozy, cute and most importantly, much more pretty!

Now, I certainly can't recommend this kind of project enough to you.  Not only was it easy and quick to do, gave dramatic and, I think, very pleasing results and was very satisfying all round.  I also had the added advantage of having all the things I needed to transform these two lovelies already in my possession, so you could say that the cost to me was practically nothing.  The only thing I brought new (to me) was the table set, from a charity shop for the princely sum of £3.

Now you and I both know that I had to buy all the other things originally, so I've paid for it all along the way at some point.  But still, it makes me feel very good to know that keeping things like table cloth off-cuts (the oilcloth), left over emulsion and bits of curtain material (the footstool cover) can one-day result in a brand new bit of prettiness for my home for next to nothing.

That's all for now, I have a couple more thrifty finds to share but that shall wait till next time now.

In the meantime, a quick but hearty welcome to all my new followers and readers, it's lovely to see you here and a 'very glad you came back' to my other followers and readers.  Love to one and all!

S x
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