Feel the Speed!

I'll let you feast you eyes on this colour, while I digress for a while...

After last week's post of slight woe, regarding interneting problems, I'm glad to be back this week with a message of joy and of speed! 

Not only did our wonderful BT Engineer Lady come through fabulously and fix our damaged line, the unnamed figures responsible for resetting our 'profile' also played their part.  Amazingly (to me at least) within the allotted waiting time of 72 hours, our connection problems were over and we are now enjoying the heady heights of up to 4.3MB, fairly zipping along!  I know some of you will be in the lucky position of being able to scoff at such measly speeds, but to someone who has been used to little over 1MB when things were working well, this new speed is like drag racing - the exhilaration, the thrill, it's like clicky, downloadable heaven.

Perhaps I'm overstating it a bit, but you get the point.  It's good to be back.

I'm afraid all these 'goings on' have meant that I've fallen rather behind on my bloggy reading and I haven't been able to get round to visit or reply all the lovely people who have been kind enough to comment on my blog.  Hopefully now, I'll be able to do a little more of it again though but in the meantime, this is a great moment to say how wonderful it is to have all of you here with me.  There's over 200 of you now, with more subscribing and I do so appreciate you all coming by.  Also, I just want to give another, extra big thank you all the people who take the time to comment, I love to read them all and you really do give me a perky little lift every time you do it.  Thank you all.  X

Well, I think you've waiting long enough, lets get down to some crafty talk at last, shall we?

I've gotten a little behind in that too, so I have a couple of projects stored up to show you and also, something rather exciting, a new pattern is heading this way too.  Today though, I just wanted to share my weekend purchases with you.

I've been meaning to stock up on some new felt sheets for a while, and I finally got around to visiting Hobbycraft and get this pretty colourful pile.  I'm not entirely sure what they are going to become yet, but with Christmas (yes I said it!) coming, I'm sure it'll come in handy!

I've also been thinking of giving embroidery another go.  I've seen some beautiful pieces around blogland that I'm dying to try out, so I took the plunge and me and Little One spent some happy moments carefully selecting colours.  Well, I 'carefully' selected, Little One randomly offered me various colours in the vague hope that her choice would be one I would go for.

I do have a few silks at home already, so after that pile was sorted out too, I have a pretty decent range I can work from.

Now I just have to find the right thing to embroider.... there's some lovely things on Flickr, so that's going to be my first stop.

I'll hope to be back soon with more crafty business and news of the new pattern.  In the meantime, I'm going to leave you with this sneaky peeky.....

S x
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