The Three C's

Oh my dears!  So much has happened in the last few days, I hardly know where to begin.  I'm going to break it down into three c's.

C the first, Crochet:

I asked for your thoughts on my blanketing dilemma, and how wonderful it was to read the responses, one and all of them.

Not all of you adored the larger squares, and I do understand what you mean, there is a certain something about them which is stopping me falling head over heels for them myself.  But plenty of you did like them and I must confess, I really am very fond of them too.

Very many of you suggested combining the smaller squares with the bigger squares and I must say that although this is an excellent suggestion, I just can't quite bring myself to do it.  I can't quite find an arrangement that I'm happy with.  Their styles are just a little too different to sit happily together, in my humble O.  I think I'd probably need to add a matching row of single crochet (or dc for English Peeps) around each small square edge for me to be comfortable with the idea and the thought of undoing any of those little squares with all their woven in ends, makes my imgination weep!

As to the little squares, they did seem to be universally loved!  In fact you were all so enthusiastic about them that I got quite carried away and feel maybe that all the effort will be worth it in the end after all.  I didn't want to discard the little blighters before and really, now I couldn't bear to!

So, what am I going to do?  Well, as I've been continuing on with my big squares, I'm going to add in some plain squares and make those up into a lovely blanket for my bedroom.  The coldness is coming and as time is of the essence, a yummy flowery, quicker and easier blanket definitely seems to be a good way to go!

As for those little squares?  Well, I'm don't quite believe it but I going to do that too!  I can't say I'm still planning a huge blanket with them, I think a nice little baby one will present more than enough of a challenge to be going along with, but your wonderful comments have given me the injection of enthusiasm I needed to continue with them.  It'll probably take a while, especially as I think it'll be a project on the back-burner, an 'inbetweener' if you will, but watch this space long enough and hopefully, it and I will emerge victorious!

That's enough today, tomorrow I'll fill you in on the second 'c', Calamity!

S x

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