Super Star!

I have to warn you of two things.  First, this is a very picture heavy post and second, although I really don't want to sound smug, I'm afraid I might do a little. But I'm just so gosh, darn pleased with myself right now!

You see, I've done something I didn't think I would ever be able to do....

Do you remember this?

From my 'Adventures in Quilting' post?  Well, after that post, way back in July  I rested on my laurels for a goodish while, feeling pretty chuffed with my one block.  That was until November when it suddenly dawned on me that leaving this one block sitting around would not magically turn into a whole quilt.  Elves were not suddenly going to leap up and do the work for me.  Especially since I didn't even have enough material yet.  (Elves are picky that way!)

So, I sat, I calculated, I ordered and then I set about The Cutting.  I was a bit afraid of The Cutting, I thought it would drag on and take for-ev-er.  Actually, it wasn't too bad at all and it kind of zips along once you get going.

Now came the fun part, The Piecing.  This bit was great.  Nice small pieces to work with, whizz, whizz, whizz, through the machine they went, then press, press, press on the other side!

It was such a joy to see the blocks coming together.  It's so exciting finding out somethings is actually going to work out the way you hoped it would - shock!

Soon I had a stack of blocks and the serious work of making a quilt top could begin. (Eeeek!)  I was slightly concerned about this.  Worried my blocks wouldn't be the right size and things wouldn't line up and edges wouldn't match.  Such a myriad of problems that could occur but you know, it was ok.  I dare say it's not perfect, I know I lost a few star points, but I'm really not going to beat myself up about that, anyway, I was far too pleased to see it coming together to worry about such trifles!

The next part though?  The next part I really was worried about.  The Basting and The Quilting (Double Eeek!)  I'd read up on it, I got the idea of the thing but doing it for real?  Help!

The general wisdom seemed to be, pin it lots and make sure you have a 'walking foot' for your machine.  Basting was, ok.  Well, I was a few pins short, but I used all that I had.  Then, armed with the new 'foot' on the machine, I heaved a big sigh of trepidation and took the mammoth beast to the machine!

I tried to be systematic.  I started from the middle and worked out.  I un-rolled and re-rolled after every sewn line or two and you know what?  It was ok!  It wasn't easy.  It wasn't that much fun, but I did it and it turned out just fine.

Between you and me, there are a few puckers and tucks in one corner, but that was down to my not-quite-up-to-standard basting and I think if I do ever make a quilt again, I'd be much better able to do a better job now I have some idea what I'm trying to achieve.

Then I had to sew the binding on.  This was one part I was looking forward to because I could sit all cozy and enjoy some Christmas snuggle time with the quilt on my lap, watching a bit of telly and sewing away merrily.  Easy peasy!

For the finishing touch, I cracked open my very seldom used embroidery supplies and made myself a little quilt label, which is apparently 'de-gueur' for handmade quilts and attached that to the back.  So now all will know, down the generations, exactly who it was that botched this thing together!

Then, can you believe it?  I have done it.  I have actually made a quilt!  Oh my word, I could dance a jig and sing a joyful ditty.  I'm afraid I can't stop feeling surprised and pleased with myself.  But you have to understand, I never, ever thought, even a year ago, that I would be able to do this.  I'm amazed and oh, so very happy!!

Come and revel with me, in pictures....

 So, that's my Christmas Star Quilt, finished and ready for Christmas snuggles.

Christmas Star Quilt - The Actual Factuals:

Quilt size: 78 x 65 inches (196 x 163 cm)
Block size: 12 inches (30/31 cm)
Top Fabrics:  Homespun fabric from Little Falls Cabin and Bespoke County
(I ordered 2 yards of the big squares, 1 1/2 yards of the cream and 1 yard of the others)
Backing Fabric:  Plain cotton that I happened to have in stash, but I got it originally from Dunelm Mill
Wadding:  Quilters Dream Green from Cotton Patch (Awesome shop!)

I think that's all the facts for now, but if I missed something, you can ask me!

Just one last thing to share.  Have you seen these?

Christmas yummy or what?  I found them at Sainsbury's and thought how perfect they would be for hot chocolatey goodness over the festive season.

So, on that note, and given that I had a stinky cold today, I'm going to have myself some Quality Christmas Star Quilt Snuggle Time with a suitably themed drink...

...and a suitably themed film.  I think "It's a Wonderful Life" will be just about perfect.

S x

Oh, and a little PS for Paula Louise...

You left a message on my 'More is More' post asking about the angel on the mantle?  I'm afraid you have no email address linked to your profile, so I had no way to respond to you, but I hope you see this...  The pattern link is here!  Enjoy  :)

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