Eventually, a Wrenna

Last but not least, the final Christmas make.  This one was very quick to do but has been a very long time coming into being.

A few years ago, I was given some yarn and a cardigan pattern by some lovely relations of mine.  So very kind of them but unfortunately I didn't have quite enough yarn to make the pattern that came with it.  Well, it wasn't at all difficult to find an alternative pattern but you know how it is, the head gets turned by something else, the latest idea takes over and before you know it, apparently several years have passed and nothing has been done.

Between you and me I probably procrastinated a bit because it's another variegated yarn.  As I said the other day, I just not a big fan of variegated yarns.  Well, they look stunning in a skein or as a hank, but when knitted up I find you often lose all the glorious colours when they get kind of mushed up together in the knit.  Here in this close up you can see the colours, but in the other photos it just kind of gets lost.  But hey, that's just me and my possibly slightly warped opinion. 

The pattern I used was 'Wrenna' from the book, 'French Girl Knits' by Kristeen Griffin-Grimes.  I love this book, it's got lots of lovely knits in it.  Being made with bulky yarn, it's also a lovely quick knit.  Even with all the Christmas goings on I still managed to stitch this up in a week.

Devilishly difficult to get a good photo of this one,  in the end I went outside and managed to catch a little decent light.

To be honest, I don't absolutely love the feel of it.  Although I adore acrylic yarn for many things, this particular acrylic (King Cole Magnum) may well be a fine and dandy yarn but I don't think it was right for this project.  Now it's all done, the finished article feels kind of spongy and strange.

Still, seeing the photos again, I don't mind how it looks on so I think I'll be able get some wear out of it.  The main thing is, although it may be oh so very late, I got there.... eventually!

S x

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