Want to make a Pretty Crafty Home too?

Thank you so much for your fabulous response to my little home-making plans for the year!

I'm so pleased that you like the idea and that many of you have already said you'd like to join me.  I'm so excited!

I have been busy making a start on the huge and arduous house cleaning task.  But also, more pleasurably busy, making plans for this bloggy side of the venture.

I thought it would be nice if we share a bit of bloggy love along the way, so:

  • I'll put a link of those who want to join in on my sidebar, and I'll follow you too.  (If I'm not already)
  • You can grab one of my fabulous 'I'm making a Pretty Crafty Home with Cherry Heart' buttons from the new PCH page, which will link back to me.

Want to join in?
Just follow these simple steps:

1.  Leave a comment on this post to say you want to join in and leave a link to your webpage (Don't have a blog of your own - no problem, you can jump to step 3.)

2.  Grab one of the buttons from here (scroll down a bit) and pop it on your side bar or use it in a post or something. Once I get your comment, I'll come and visit your blog, leave a nice message or two, hope to see my bloggy button and then I'll add your link to my sidebar.

3.  Come and join the 'Pretty Crafty Home' Flickr group, so we can share photos, tips and have a chat!

That's it.  (Well, that and the fact you might want to go and do some things around your house.....!)

Don't worry, by the way, about feeling any obligation by saying here that you'll join.  I'm not demanding any great commitment here, this is just about you achieving what you want to achieve, us all sharing tips and encouraging each other.

If you've already been so wonderful and lovely as to say you'd like to join in (and you have a webpage linked to that comment), you should find your link on my sidebar already.  If you don't see it  I either couldn't find the link, wasn't totally sure if you had decided to join yet or maybe I missed you (sorry!).  Either way, comment on this post and I shall sort it out toot sweet!

I'm going put all on this info on the PCH page too, so all the links and buttons and things are all together!

That's all for now I think, but if you want to know anything else, just ask!

(Oh!  And if there's any problems with the bloggy buttons, do let me know - I had a heck of a struggle with the blighters - but I think I got there in the end...)

S x
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