Sneakily sewing

I've been working very hard lately, throughout most of January and February, cleaning and clearing the place up as thoroughly as I can to help make my PCH.  Diligent as I've tried to be with my chores, it's amazing all the crafty ideas that have been popping into my head as I've been making my way around the house, so I couldn't resist sneaking in a few little sewing sessions to make up a couple of them along the way.

Now you know all about my secret weaving habits, you'll understand my need for 'loom shaped' storage.  Not the easiest of devices to find a home for.  In fact, up to now mine has just been uncermoniously dumped down the side of my desk, with all the various necessary bits and bobs lurking around the general area.  Not exactly ideal.

So I made myself a bag to keep it in, and although I haven't found anywhere better to keep it yet, at least it's all together, easier to move around and looks a darn sight prettier in it's dumping spot!

The other thing that was driving me strangely mad is the blind in my upstairs bathroom.  I guess the recent close inspection showing me the levels of dirt it had collected had something to do with it, and it's lack of ease to clean was maybe another.

Either way, I decided it was out and some rather jaunty bunting should go in it's place.

I'm turning into a bit of a bunting nut.  It can't help but look cute and cheerful and although this one is very simple, it has lots of pretty fabric to look at and in my opinion has made the bathroom a much happier place to clean my teeth of a morning.  Important stuff I think.

Only small changes so far, but baby steps are so important.

S x

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