Crocheter's blockage
Do you think there is such a thing as crocheter's block? I suppose there comes a point in most crocheter's yarny career when they are floundering for what to make next. Well, that wasn't quite the problem I was having.
I knew what I wanted to make, I just had a terrible struggle getting it from 'idea' to 'item'. It was more like a blockage in the process than a full blown Block but it was pretty painful nevertheless.
That little granny square was the first one I made, back when I was innocent of the problems that lie ahead!
The idea itself was simple enough. Just a few little granny squares hanging nicely on a string to make a simple little bunting. What could be easier?
I don't know quite what caused me all the problems. I think I got a little uncertain of my colours. When I had the idea I was in a brave, experimental mood. I'd selected a nice random collection of Bergere de France 'Ideal' colours and felt that anything would go.
Coming back to those self same colours and my minuscule pile of made up squares, I suddenly didn't feel quite so bold and daring. I wasn't sure if the colours worked, or really what kind of feel I wanted the finished bunting to have.
So, I procrastinated.
I finished off some sewing. I knit socks. I planned other crochet projects. In short, I did everything, but get on with it.
One day though, despite being in two minds about whether I even wanted the thing anymore, I sat down determined to get the infuriating job done and out the way so I didn't have to think about it or face it again.
Eventually, after a great deal of Forcing Myself To Keep At It, I had this.
A small, small pile of squares. Who would have thought they could cause such troubles?
I little while later, I had a bunting ready to hang in the hall. I've never been so relieved to see the end of a project I don't think!
So there it sits.
I do like it. It's kind of what I was going for. I like the tiers of squares hanging down....
I'm not sure really if I'm glad it's done because I like seeing hanging there. Or, if I like seeing it hanging there because, it's done.
I am very pleased that the little pom-pom garland that it replaces, looks really cute in Little One's room though.
And I do like having my crochet hook free to start new things. I'm sure I like that a lot.
S x