Farming for victory

Here I am with part three of my Farmer's Wife Quilt tale.  In parts one and two, I was telling you about what a great learning experience I've been having with these blocks.

Emboldened by my first six blocks, I decided to move in to uncharted waters - quarter square triangles.

I'd practised on my little half triangle cut-offs (that I mentioned in part two) and they worked nicely so felt ready for a block.  I started off easy, with just one quarter square, in 'Practical Orchard'.  That seemed to go quite well.

So I took the plunge and went for an all out quarter triangle block, 'Big Dipper'.  Oooh, I'm so chuffed with this one.  I probably held my breath the whole way through sewing up the squares.

I really love this block.  I like the red and the grey very much and it's got cherries on!  Well, they could be berries, but they look cherry-ish enough for me.

So, after this success and subsequent excitement, I felt ready to tackle my last block.  The one I wanted to make first, but daren't.  'Postage Stamp'.  I cut out the teeny tiny 1 1/2 inch squares and laid then all carefully out.  I was getting down to some of the last bits and pieces of charm squares at this point so some careful arranging of the pieces was necessary.

Careful, careful sewing and careful, careful pressing.  Careful lining up, careful pinning, sewing, pressing again and it was done...

Do you like it?  I do, I love it!  Maybe it would have looked nicer with a solid pattern between the pattern squares, rather than the dots, but I had to work with what I'd got and actually, I like the end result very much.

Plus, it's been quite a interesting challenge working these blocks with just a little charm pack.  Quite restraining in some ways, but it gets you thinking of options you perhaps wouldn't otherwise of thought of.

So, there you have it.  My last three blocks.

If all goes to plan, I should have a finished baby quilt to share with you next week.

Cross your fingers on that, I have a busy week going on at the moment!

S x

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