It's a girl

Last week there was rather a big event in our family.  My little sister had a precious baby girl on Thursday morning and now I'm an Auntie!

I'm so excited and she's the most darling thing, I can't stop thinking about her.  In fact, I've been thinking about her for a long time, before I even knew she was a her.  You see, I've been preparing for this arrival for some time...

You might remember this stripy blanket that I showed you back in March?

That was one of the first things I made with my little Niece To Be in mind.  But I've been making bits through out the year, ready to present when the time was right.

First there was this cuddly little rabbit, made using this Bunny Blanket Buddy pattern.

Then, at the Mum To Be's request, some fruity cutness.  A Blueberry Baby set....

And a Pumpkin Baby set...

The Blueberry hat was made using this pattern, the blueberry booties were based on this pattern, but the rest I made up as I went along.

Then, finding a great use for some lovely Sugar 'n' Cream that I got in a swap, I made a little selection of Farmyard Bibs, using patterns by clever Elaine Fitzpatrick.

These were great little knits as I could get one whole bib made in an evening.  They were a nice little interlude here and there in between other projects.

I'm glad to say my package of yarny goodness was well received by the parents, and of course, now I know that she's a gorgeous girl, I can start tailoring my makes accordingly.  I've started hunting out cute baby girl patterns already.  Not only are there so many adorable things to choose from, they are all so teeny tiny and quick to make, I can get through lots of them.

The only problem, is knowing where to begin!

S x

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