Rest and reconsider

It's been a little longer since my last post than I normally leave it, but I caught a very nasty little bug and it rather took it out of me for a while.

I also like to start the month with a Pretty Crafty Home post, inducing a new theme for the month and perhaps coming up with a plan for my next task to be conquered.  Well, I haven't done that either.

I did manage to cover the boxes in my craft room in June, like I planned.  I used some of that lovely dinning room wallpaper that I had left over.  It's nice to use it somewhere else in the house.

Truth be told, although I'm very happy with the progress I've made so far this year, I'm beginning to lose my focus a little.  My 'to do' list, the grand plan of ideas and things I want to achieve is looking a little worse for wear.  The good news is, things have been done and crossed off, but there have been so many amendments, adjustments and additions that I'm losing track of where exactly I'm at.

So, this month, as it's nearly half of it has gone already I think I'm going to be taking a little break and giving myself a little rest.  The school holidays will start soon too so there's a limit to how much I can get done for a while anyway.

I think I'll use this rest time to go over my list, reassess and clean it up a bit.  It's only July at the moment, it'll be September before the holidays are over and then it's not ever so many months until it'll be time to think about that Big Event At The End Of The Year.  I think you probably know the one I mean.  So it's time to see what else I can really get done this year and start making new plans.

So, how's your PCH project coming along?  Have you made some changes you're happy with? Is there still more to do?  Do you need a little break so you can start back fresh and eager next month?  Drop me a line and let me know how you're getting on too and as ever, if you've got some photos to share of your progress so far, post them in the PCH Group on Flickr.

I'd love to know what you've been getting up to so far this year!

S x

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