Getting back on track

Do you all remember, in the long, long distant past, I was working on making myself a Pretty Crafty Home?  Some of you liked the idea and were kind enough to join me too.  All was going well until July, when the school summer holidays hit!

I decided to take a break from PCH-ing for a month, planning to get back in the creative and homely spirit in August with some child friendly home makes.  Well, I didn't quite get there.

Lots of things filled the time instead.  First came in the lovely new arrival in the shape of my little niece.  Next, we planned lots of craftiness and then of course, there was the lovely holiday to Cornwall.  After that, there was a happy event to plan once we got home.

 It's always nice to get to be an honorary fairy for the day when you're seven after all.

We've had people to catch up with, jobs to do and maybe we even squeezed a little bit of slobbing around in too.  Although not nearly enough for my liking.  No repeat of those lovely lazy 8 o'clock starts that I enjoyed so much last year, unfortunately.  Why do children insist of waking so early?

Still, we did make a tiny step in the right direction.  Last week we finally managed to make a start on my grand plan for Little Madam's ever growing supply of artworks.

We'd managed to track down everything we needed in our big craft shop at the end of summer and it was very nice for us to sit down together and have some Mummy and Daughter crafty time together.

It's so much fun now that she's getting a little more confident of her own skills and creative ideas.  And I don't tire of these delightfully simple children's type crafts.  I mean, can you beat mixing up paint colours and getting your hands covered in colourful gloop?  Ok, so I tend towards being the 'lay down paper', 'don't mix the brushes' and 'keep things neat and tidy and clear up quick afterwards' kind of person, but still... mucky fingers is fun for a while

We haven't quite finished the final stages yet of our little joint project yet but pictures will be coming this way soon.

In the meantime, now it's September and I really need to get my PCH plans back on track.  There's still plenty of time left to make some differences around here and I don't want to waste a moment more of it.

I've already revised my vast list of Things To Do from a mammoth 63 items to a mere 14.  Most of them, I'm pleased to say, are crossed of because they're done, done, done!  Some I'm moving along to next year because time or money isn't going to allow or in some case maybe they were just plain too ambitious.  Still, they're staying on the list because maybe, one day...

I've also started to tidy up and clear out and get the house back in shape after the ravages of summer.  Little Madam's bedroom alone is turning into another gargantuan tidying task.  A birthday and an influx of delightful new gifts to house is largely to blame but I'm getting there.  I've got my revised list of tasks that I can realistically accomplish this year and I'm ready, fit, focused and raring to make more pretty things for my home.

What about you?  Do you need to get your PCH plans back on track too?  Maybe you want to revise your List, or have a little de-clutter?  Depending where you are in the world, maybe you want to get ready for Autumn, or is Spring putting cleaning more on your mind?

Whatever you want to do to get back on track, why not leave a comment and let me know your plan for September?

Or, meet me over at the PCH Flickr group and we'll compare notes there.

Either way, good luck everyone.

What to make a Pretty Crafty Home too?  It's not to late to join me and make some changes in your home too.

S x

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