Knitting in the dark

I was going to write yesterday, I had it all planned out.  Then what happens?  A huge power surge followed by hours of Victorian style living thats what.

I was sitting at my little crafty desk after lunch, happily sewing away when the lights (and machine) flickered, dimmed, revived, then died out completely.  Oh joy.

It's not an infrequent thing to happen around these parts, in fact, it's come to be rather the way of life.  We often get a brief power cut or two one day, another the next and then all fine for a month or so.  Normally it's only for a minute or two.  Everything so hum drum and regular, or so I thought to start with.

It turns out that this was not to be a brief one, or even a fairly short one.  This outage was to be a nine hour whopper of a cut.  Ok, so not the worst thing in the world but it sure does make you appreciate the simple beauty of a working light switch.

So, apart from cooking dinner by candle light and cleaning the child's teeth in the semi-dark, what's the biggest challenge?

Knitting in the dark of course.  Living in a power cut prone area, I am at least armed with an abundance of candles.  So I prepared the area.

Looks quite cozy doesn't it?  I thought so too, so I got changed into my most  comfortable and snuggly clothes and prepared for an extremely quiet night in.

Pleasingly, I got it quite nicely bright.  Plenty enough light to knit by and passed a few happy hours row by row, not missing the tv, the audiobooks or even the chatter of another as the husband was out for the evening.  The only thing wanting was a nice hot cup of tea.  That would have made it perfection.

The child was so taken with dinner by candlelight that she's requested that we do it again very soon.  Turns out power cuts aren't all bad.

~ ❀ ~

Next time, I'll post what I had been planning to write about last night.  This little book here...

...till then.

S x

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