Social Animal

Now, I don't want to bore you all solid, but I do just want to do a little bit of blog keeping, if you don't mind too much.  By all means skim this one (I'll add pictures to aid skimming and help you judge relevance to you), but you never know there might be something interesting....

First of all, I've been having a little tinker and re-jig of my side bar again.  I promise I'll leave it alone for a good long while after this, but it's been bugging me so I was itching to mess with it.

Social Streamlining

A short while ago, I added all the relevant socialising icons I could think to add so you could find me wherever you may wish to round and about this world wide web of ours.  However, after brief dabbles in some of these social waters, I've found not all of them are for me.

So, I've updated my icons to just the ones I'm using now.  Although I'm not sure how much use Google+ will  prove to be, I've decided it can stay for now.

Cleaner and neater, which is always a good thing.

Twitter vs Instagram

I've found that I'm not really using Twitter, so that icon has gone.  I am however liking the Instagraming.  If you'd like to follow me on there, please do.  It's going to be a good way of getting a sneaky peaky of projects before they appear on the blog!

Tempting, right?  I've added a little snippet of my pictures, together with a link, in the sidebar, so it's easy for you to find and follow me on Instagram and of course, the picture above will link you up too.

If you were following me on Twitter, fear not, you still can.  I haven't disappeared and I'll still continue to share my Instagram pics on Twitter, so if that's your app of choice you won't miss out.

What have you made?

One of the things that I really, really enjoy is when one of you lovelies out there show me something you've made using one of my patterns, or a tutorial or something.  It's so exciting.  Sometimes people are even kind enough to say 'I saw this on your blog so I made such and such' which is also totally awesome.

I decided it would be great to have a place to share these pictures, so I started a group on Flickr called Your Cherry Heart and I would adore it if you'd like to join the group and post a piccy or two.  Then, I and others can come and coo over it, it'll be fun!

You can link up now by clicking on the picture above, or it's over in the sidebar when you're ready...

Missing PCH Icon?

Last but not least, if you've been following along with the whole 'Pretty Crafty Home' thing that I've been harping on about this year, it's also possible that you added to your blog a little icon to help me spread the PCH word far and wide, because you're nice like that.

Well, it has been brought to my attention, by Renae that some of these icons may have gone missing or look a bit black and horrible.  I'm afraid it's all due to the horrible deleting disaster that I had back in September and I do apologise for the inconvenience caused.

The icons are now back but if you grabbed the button code from the PCH page you will need to grab it again to restore your button to it's former glory.

Sorry to be a such a pest and I also owe Renae a big thank you for letting me know.  There was no blog link or email adress, so I couldn't thank you personally, but I hope you'll read this so you know you are appreciated.

That's all folks!

Ok, that's all of it.  Thanks for bearing with me if you made it this far.

The next post will be better, don't worry!

S x

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