Spooky Bunting

It's been feeling very Autumnal around here lately and it seemed to me that my jolly Christmas stars which have been lurking around here ever since I couldn't bring myself to pack them away at the end of last year, needed to be pushed out in favour of something more fitting for the season.

So I started off on an idea that I had in summer, when I was sorting through my stash for the umpteenth time.  I had a mish mash of balls, of different sorts in different colours and as a black, grey and orange ball happened to land together, it sparked off a Halloween related thought.

So I packed the yarn, and thought, away for the time being, all ready to bring out again at the appropriate time of year and just at the beginning of October the time felt right for a bit of Halloween fun.

Those of you that have already followed me on Instagram (thank you!) will have gotten some sneeky little peaks of the work in progress....

Really, with a bright orange yarn, pumpkins just couldn't be far away now could they?  So here it is, Halloween themed bunting...

I do love how it looks up there on the mantle, the cobwebs I'm especially pleased with as they are keeping their shape very nicely.

It's more fun than frightening, but I don't mind that at all and it makes a nice change of pace from my colourful stars too.  I'm enjoying the spooky look!

My brain seems to be overflowing with new pattern ideas at the moment, which I'm not going to complain about.  It's nice when the inspiration is firing on all cylinders without having to be forced into it.  So, this is the first of hopefully many to come in the near future.

Maybe you'd like to give it a try?  It's available here:  Spooky Bunting Pattern

If you do, you can show off your bunting in the Cherry Heart's Cozy Corner Ravelry group too.  I'd love to see.

S x