From one knitter to another

 I'm happy to say I've been very productive lately (it's been a while since I've said that!) and finished objects have been flying off the needles and hook around here.

This is the oh so famous African Flower pattern, which I've adapted into a pincushion (pattern here).  It's such a great little present idea and just right for my Nan.  She's a knitter too, and one that tends to lose her yarn needle at least twice for every seam she sews!

She's the one who taught me to knit as a child and reminded my Sister and I when we started down the knitty path again as adults.  So a little case to keep her well used needles all together seemed like a good plan too.

She keeps them all in haphazard order in a basket by her chair and hopefully it'll save her rummaging around quite so much.

I hope she'll like it.

S x

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