Seat of the Problem

Look at those crochet beauties, don't they look a glorious sight?

They came about because I had a problem.  

Quite some time ago, I managed to get hold of some lovely Laura Ashley seat cushions.  They were in the sales too, so that was a bonus.  The only trouble is, they attach to my dining room chairs by some little strings which you tie around the chairs, no doubt you know the sort.  Now that is fine if you are very careful when sitting down and on said cushions.  If you are prepared to be a group of perfectly still and pristinely sat diners.   Not so good for bum wigglers, seat shufflers and 'kneeler uppers'.  Guess which group my family belongs to?

Exactly so, which is why my cushions are no longer on their respective chairs and the corners where strings used to be look like this.

Not exactly ideal.  Not what I wish to see in the 'Pretty Crafty Home' that I'm still trying so hard to create.  So I needed a plan to rectify the situation!

My plan (although my sister says she played a large part in the origins of this one), was to crochet new covers for the cushions and hope some fabulous idea for tackling the 'ties' problem would come to me as I went along.

I'm been having  thoughts of circles in squares for a while now, so I started making spotty dotty squares at once, using the rest of the Patons Smoothie DK that I used for my Riot scarf.  I definitely hadn't had enough of those pretty colours and it was such lovely yarn to knit with I hoped it would be just a lovely to crochet with too.  

I kept them nice and simple, just 16 squares stitched together with a granny square for the back.  It took me ages to get this project done though, for some reason I kept procrastinating and diverting my attention to other, quicker and more instantly satisfying things.  Finally, I forced myself to knuckle down and plough on with them and I'm so glad I did, because I love the results.

'And what was your fabulous and inspirational idea to solve the tie problem?'
'Yeah, well.... (shuffle feet)... umm....'

The answer is, nothing came to me.  Nothing at all.

In the end I decided just to go with the same simple ties as the original cushions had used.  I'm hoping, very hard indeed, that the fact they are crocheted into the actual cushion and the fact that the crochet will naturally be a bit more flexible, will be enough to make them last longer and stay in place.  Hoping really hard.  We'll see, I'll keep you posted.

Oh, and one more thing.

The circle in squares pattern is my own little creation.  (Although I'm sure there must be a hundred variations on this theme available out there.)
Still, I'll be posting a tutorial for these particular ones of mine very soon, in case you fancied making some.

Rosie Posie Square

New - Now updated with a video tutorial!

S x

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