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So Google Reader is going to be culled and the end of Google Friends Connect is upon us too*.

It's time to find alternatives if you want an uninterrupted supply of Cherry Heart posts, and of course you do want that I'm sure!

So, what to do?

Well I've got two alternatives for you...

I've been using Feedly for a while and I love it.  It will transfer all your blogs directly from Google Reader so once you set up an account, you won't have to do anything to carry on reading as you always have done.  Easy peasy.  There's also plenty of settings you can use to arrange things as you'd like and even some themes to add some colour.

If you'd like to add me to your Feedly reading list, you should be able to just click the link below (once you've set up your Feedly account)...


I know a lot people are using Bloglovin' already, and it's also very easy to import your blog reading list straight from Google Reader, it takes just a couple of minutes.  You can organize your blogs into groups but there aren't so many options as Feedly.

If Bloglovin' is your reader of choice, you can add me to your reading list by clicking the link below...

Follow on Bloglovin Bloglovin'

I'm also including the Bloglovin' link in my social icons links at the top of the page...

And I'll have both the links at the bottom of my posts in future, so it's easy for you to find whenever you'd like to do it....

Either way, you'll want to get it done by 1st July 2013 though, that's when Google Reader will be breathing it's last.

Hopefully the transition will be a painless one!

S x

UPDATE 19th March 2013:
*I'm informed that Google Friends Connect is safe for the time being at least, so that's good news.

Now posting on Substack, subscribe below: