Mary Mary Quite Contrary...
I'm getting in a flap my Dear Readers.
I'm crafting away like a woman crazed and I find I have more finished projects than I have time to write about them. I also have ideas whizzing and buzzing around my head, crashing into each other and spawning new ones. I feel like a toy car, fully wound up and about to zoom headlong across the kitchen floor and smash into the oven.
Time to collect my thoughts, fasten those buzzing ideas down onto note paper and concentrate on one thing at a time I think, before my head does smack on that oven door.
So I'm here to tell you about an idea I had a little while ago, for a new pattern.
And this, I've really quite pleased and proud to say, is what I came up with.
What do you think? Do you like it?
I'm planning on releasing this one into my Shop as a pattern to buy so I do hope that'll you'll think it's worthy. I must confess I'm sitting here all of a twitter, like a nervous school child waiting for the exam results to be returned!
I'm so, so excited about it. I'm really pleased with how it turned out and I had such a great time thinking it all out, putting it together and making it just right. It feels like the best thought out and most grown up pattern I've ever written. I'm about to get it tested to work out any last niggles and get some feed back, so I'm hoping to be able to release it in April sometime.
Yes, well, I said I went with a theme!
I like it though, it's really brought the whole thing together for me and of course now that I finished with the counting, thinking, stopping to scratch the head a bit, frogging and re-starting phase, I can enjoy the parading around happily in cozy comfort stage.
Both fun in their own right, of course. But the second one is eminently easier!
If I'm really lucky and have whetted your appetite for this pattern to be at all, send me a little message through Ravelry and I'll let you know when the pattern is released.
(Or you can send me an email if you're not on Ravelry.)
S x
UPDATE 7th April 2013: The pattern has now been released. Visit the SHOP or click here to find the all the pattern links.
UPDATE 7th April 2013: The pattern has now been released. Visit the SHOP or click here to find the all the pattern links.