Seeing Double

 No, your eyes do not deceive you, there are two hooky cases up there.  They are very similar, but one makes me happy and the other does not.

You might recall the trouble I had making the first one of these crochet hook pouches?  It looked well enough but it wasn't all that I hoped it would be.  It isn't very often that I can tolerate the idea of making something twice, but after I posted about my disappointment first time round, you all convinced me not to give up on this idea.  So, after a decent period of mourning, I felt I was ready to tackle the second take of the Grand Hooky Pouch Plan.

I'm very pleased to say that things turned out a lot better this time around.  Lessons had been learnt, so the good bits were kept in and the bad bits left out.

I made it the right size this time, the last one was too tall.  I lined with fabric stabiliser rather than wadding, so it didn't become too thick and awkward to sew.  I kept the pretty patches and my cute cherries but left off the bobbly inner trim.  It did look nice but I really wasn't happy with how it turned out last time so I decided it should go. 

The thing that makes me really, really happy is all those sewn lines.  A little pocket for every single hook in my collection.  All in neat rows, like tiny thin soldiers standing to attention, ready to spring into hooky action whenever I say the word.  That was what I had visualised lat time and that's part of what had been so lacking first time round.

The funny thing is, that in some ways, I much prefer the look of my first case.  I like the lace trim, I should have kept that in, but because the second case was shorter, I ran out of space.  Also, I think the cherries turned out better first time round.  (Scroll back up to the top to compare if you like, the first attempt is the one on the right, the second version on the left.  What do you think?)

But, it seems some imperfections I'm more than happy to live with because this second attempt looks good enough for me and does exactly what I wanted it to do.  That brings a smile to my face.  

There's an added benefit too, my Sister has decided that my cast-off is more than satisfactory for her purposes and has taken it off my hands.  So, in the end, even the 'prototype' hasn't been wasted.

S x

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