Prairie Cushion
Just a little thank you before we start today because you've all been so lovely lately. I mean, you're always so kind to me, but your response to my Blooming Bag was so fabulous and the Lacy Blanket Tutorial was so well received that I just feel like saying a little extra thank you for all the kind words you take the trouble to send my way.
In return I have a little hexie eye candy to put your way. Assuming, of course, that you find patchwork hexies as delightful as I do. To me, they are almost better as stacks and stacks of individual hexagons than they ever are when sewn together. Like cake batter licked off the spoon is almost better than the baked cake. Maybe that's just me though.
This was the other project that I had on the go during my little productive slump that I talked about when posting the tale of the Blossoming Bag. It's been a long old slog getting these hexies all patched together and although I very much enjoy doing them, quite frankly it was like a weight being lifted when the last one slotted into place this time. Not that I'm not happy with the result, I very much am happy with it and what's more, it was most definitely worth it.
So what was all this slog and sewing for?
Quite a small thing really. Just a little seat cushion. I have a old Ikea wicker chair that sits in the corner of my room and it came with a very plain creamy coloured cushion. An ideal candidate for a crafty make-over. The hardest part was of course, putting the front together with the hexagons. The pretty fabric for the back, a zipper and whizzing it through the machine to construct the cover itself was the work of comparative moments.
So much better and brighter for my chair in it's corner though.
S x