
I have a new obsession....

Obviously, I'm not exactly the first to the party, but then I rarely am.  This time I was inspired to join the 'doily party' when I saw Maaike's work here, here and here.  Isn't it just gorgeous?

I don't know if you're familiar with Maaike's blog, CreJJion?  It's one of my favourites and I urge you to check it out if you've not heard of it.  This lady has style!

You'll no doubt see just how inspired by her work I've been.  I've even used one of the same doily patterns...  but to imitate is to sincerely flatter, so they say and I very much hope that my muse will indeed be flattered and not appalled.

I really need to think about weaving in some ends before long and of course, they'll need a nice stretch and spray to show them in all their glory, but that's for another post.

In the meantime, just in case you fancy joining me at the party, you might be interested to know...

 I'm using DMC Petra No. 5 Crochet Cotton, which I found here and here

  You can see the colours I'm using on my stash pages here and here

  You can see the patterns I've used on my Ravelry Project page here

  You can find a whole load more free doily patterns on Ravelry here

And last but not least...

 Come and share the doily love with me: Cherry Heart's Cozy Corner

But now I have to get back to my hook because I just can't stop making these little beauties!

In other news:

Thing 1:  I'm off on another jolly jaunt next week so I won't be around to reply to comments or answer questions... I'll get back on to it when I get home again.

Thing 2:  Thank you, lovely, wonderful, kind and generous people for your lovely reception to my Dancing Flowers Shawl.  A pattern is in the works at the moment and I'm hoping to release it soon after I get back from 'Thing 1'.  Early September is my plan, fingers crossed!

S x

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