I do still knit...

.... a bit.

I've had this one on the go for about 2 months, from cast on to button sewing.  Pretty much all of the summer really and that's not even counting the false start I had back in May when I cast on too many stitches and had to undo all 292 of them.

I would say it's been a constant summer companion but actually of course, it's been an inconstant one, which is why it's taken me so long to get it done.   But no matter, for once I've been happy to have a project on the go that was on the sidelines and not in a rush.  I've picked it up between other projects and it's come together in fits and starts.

It's a Louisa Harding pattern and I love her designs.  I'm really drawn to her pretty and feminine style and that's a little unfortunate really as I'm not at all sure how well I can pull off 'pretty' or 'feminine'.  That's not to say I clump around in heavy boots and jeans with my husbands shirts on, dressed like a builder ready for work or anything.  But, you sort of form this idea of yourself and what you can wear don't you?  

So, as much as I wish I looked like one of those delicate waif like models with quirky hairstyles and flushed 'English rose' cheeks that are seen so often in LH's pattern books, one has to be realistic.  I pick and choose from my favourites and select only those that I think I will actually really wear.  This one I felt quite safe with.  I've made a few of her cape type designs before and I love them.

I'm also really happy with the colour of this wool.  Yum!
This is another sale bargain that I snagged from John Lewis aaaaages ago and I'm pleased I've finally found the right project for it.  That sort of duck egg blue is a favourite of mine and I've been going through a kind of 'blue' period with my yarny work lately.  Something you'll be seeing more of very soon.  (I promise!)

It's the perfect colour for this I think and will go with lots of my clothes, so now that it's Autumn, it shall be my constant companion once again.

Pattern: Merenge From Deco by Louisa Harding
Yarn: Rowan Pure Wool (Frost - 44)

S x

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