A Week of Cherries

Well, I had a 'Month of Puffs', so why not a 'Week of Cherries'?
If you're wondering what a week of cherries might possibly be about, apart from, obviously, cherries, let me explain...
Do you remember a while ago I released a new shawl pattern, Cherry Kisses? So happy was I with those dingly dangly little cherries that my mind went on many a cherry related flight of fancy and ideas aplenty popped themselves up. They also fascinated Little Miss and so I absolutely had to oblige her with something a little more child friendly, but no less lacking in cherry goodness.
The results were a cutie little beanie hat you see above and a super snuggly and swishy scarf. Swishy because you have to swish around in it so that you can see the cherries fly through the air and swing around and about you as you skip along. (So I've been told anyway.)
You might be able to tell, if you scroll through these pictures here, I actually dreamt and hooked up these warming goodies some time ago, when it was sunny and bright. It's taken me quite a while to get myself and these patterns together. But finally I have.
As she and me were and are so excited by all this cherry cheerfulness and I'm so thrilled that I managed to get my thoughts for these patterns down on paper for all to see at last, I've decided that some sort of celebration is in order.
Which means good things for you, Dear Reader!
Let me pass on a little of my excitement and see if I can't get you all whipped up about keeping warm with a cherry on top this winter too...
(You don't need to be a member to buy)
(You don't need to be a member to buy)
I think they'd both make a pretty cool Christmas present for little girls and the hat is available in 4 sizes, so the largest will fit most adults and of course a scarf is so easy to make a little longer if you need to.
(Just in case you fancy a set too!)
Next up is a chance to win one of these hats for yourself or a little one and help a very good cause in the meantime...
A little while ago Louise contacted me about a task she's undertaken to raise money for The Anthony Nolan Trust which is a charity that works to fight blood cancer. I was pleased to be able to offer something to help with her great cause and I would like to ask you to take a moment to think about helping her too.
Louise is running a raffle in which ticket holders can win wonderful handmade goodies, including two of my Cherry Topper hats. There is a teen/adult size as well as a babies 6-12 month size to be won.
If you'd like to be in with a chance of winning and help Louise raise some money you can check out her links below:
Follow Louise on IG for updates on prizes: LouiseAlexandra78
Visit Louise's Money Giving page to buy raffle tickets or to donate: Louise Moorhouse's Fundraising page
Good luck Louise!
Last, but by no means least, there is more to come in the 'Week of Cherries' and to entice you back again, here's a teaser...
So excited about this one, l'm loving the cross stitch.
So, stay tuned this week for another new cherry related pattern (for the grown ups this time) and some more money saving discounts. Yippee!
S x