Flutterby Cushion

Thank you to everyone who left a comment regarding my blanket conundrum. Your advice was brilliant and has most definitely helped me clarify that I need to do one of two things:
I can either stick with my original plan, in which case I need to buy more yarn for the border colours.
(Don't want to do that, I've spent enough money on this yarn already.)
I need to drop my original plan and open up my mind to some different plan for this blanket.
(Don't want to do that, I like the original plan.)
You can begin to see why I was stumbling can't you? One of those two options is going to be the right way to go but I'm not quite ready to do either of them at the moment. So, my plan is to give the whole thing a little time. I'm putting it away and will come back to it fresh and see how I feel then. Either the original idea will be worth the further purchase, or my mind will be prepared to try a new approach. It'll be interesting to see which wins... I'll keep you posted!
But, with that little blanket update aside, I shall carry on to the main business of today's post. My new cushion. What do you think? I'm quite pleased with how it turned out, if nothing else, just because it went exactly to plan.
I originally had the idea for this back in the summer, when I got excited about the idea of different coloured blocks of fillet crochet. First of all I actually wanted to make separate blocks and join them together but that would have necessitated a final round to finish them off and I didn't fancy the extra hassle of working into the ends of the rows. So I opted for the far easier and quicker option of joining new colours for each block and joining them to each other as I went along.
I can either stick with my original plan, in which case I need to buy more yarn for the border colours.
(Don't want to do that, I've spent enough money on this yarn already.)
I need to drop my original plan and open up my mind to some different plan for this blanket.
(Don't want to do that, I like the original plan.)
You can begin to see why I was stumbling can't you? One of those two options is going to be the right way to go but I'm not quite ready to do either of them at the moment. So, my plan is to give the whole thing a little time. I'm putting it away and will come back to it fresh and see how I feel then. Either the original idea will be worth the further purchase, or my mind will be prepared to try a new approach. It'll be interesting to see which wins... I'll keep you posted!
But, with that little blanket update aside, I shall carry on to the main business of today's post. My new cushion. What do you think? I'm quite pleased with how it turned out, if nothing else, just because it went exactly to plan.
I originally had the idea for this back in the summer, when I got excited about the idea of different coloured blocks of fillet crochet. First of all I actually wanted to make separate blocks and join them together but that would have necessitated a final round to finish them off and I didn't fancy the extra hassle of working into the ends of the rows. So I opted for the far easier and quicker option of joining new colours for each block and joining them to each other as I went along.
As it turns out, I'm happier with this effect. I like that the front looks like one piece.
As I'd also always imagined this cushion to have a crochet front with a fabric back and maybe some lovely binding too, that meant that this project sat up in the sewing room for a long number of weeks until I got myself sorted out for the sewing portion of the project. I finished the crochet part just before my little world went crazy busy so it's taken a while.
But because this is one of those times when things are working out well, it turned out that I had just the sort of fabric I had been imagining for the back and it's one of my fav fabrics too, so I'm glad to find just the right use for it. It seemed like a great chance to use the rest of my pretty Coats zipper too.
The binding was a different fabric, this smaller print worked much better for on the tiny slither of binding that would be seen from the front and even though it's another floral, I don't think it clashes with the back at all. In fact I love the way they look together. It was the first fabric I tried too. I mean seriously, how often does it come together that easily?
So I'm a little bit chuffed with it so I've given it pride of place on 'the chair', it's ousted an older cushion but I think this one looks better just here. I'm almost tempted to turn it round once in a while, so show off the lovely fabric on the back. Maybe one day I will, but at the moment it pleases me enough to know it's there, like a little secret only I know about.
(Well, me and you, obviously. Shhh!)
: : Yarn Details : :
Garnstudio Drops Alpaca
3112 - Dusky Pink (Pale)
3770 - Dark pink (Raspberry)
4010 - Pearl Grey (Slight mauve tint)
7120 - Light Greyish Green (Pale Grey Blue)
7139 - Dark Grey Green (Steel Blue)
7238 - Dark Olive Mix
7300 - Lime (Pistachio)
The pattern for this cushion is now available online, please see the link below for details...
Garnstudio Drops Alpaca
3112 - Dusky Pink (Pale)
3770 - Dark pink (Raspberry)
4010 - Pearl Grey (Slight mauve tint)
7120 - Light Greyish Green (Pale Grey Blue)
7139 - Dark Grey Green (Steel Blue)
7238 - Dark Olive Mix
7300 - Lime (Pistachio)
The pattern for this cushion is now available online, please see the link below for details...
S x