Pretty 1 - Practical 0

This is a another little pre-Christmas quickie that I dashed off the hook in a matter of days.  They were a pleasure to make and very cute and pretty they look too I think.

The pattern is from a Japanese crochet book called Cute Knit Accessories with Scrap Yarn.
If you are interested in buying and are not from Japan, I'd highly recommend asking the lovely lady at Pompadour's Craft Cafe if she has a copy.  (That's where I get my Japanese books from.)

These are the 'Room Slippers' and I've had my eye on them since I bought the book a few moons ago.

I think, from what I can gather, the is pattern supposed to be made from 4ply yarn.  I had some aran cotton I wanted to use up, so I made the child's size and hoped for the best.  I used a smaller hook to make the cotton nice and tight and pleasingly, it worked like a dream.  These cute little slippers fit like a glove.

But all is not roses in this little tale of mine, because before very much wearing at all, my cute little foot warmers were much stretched and mis-shappen.  They have grown large and baggy.  Technically, they still stay on my feet, the cute little ties included as part of the pattern do that job but it's not a satisfactory experience wearing these floppy things.  Not at all.

I can't help but feel it's not a lost cause though.  Maybe if I used a different pattern?  Maybe if I used wool instead of cotton, a different yarn or a different weight?  Maybe only felted slippers work?
I can't help thinking they are too adorable to give up on.

If you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them...

Have you made a pair of crochet slippers that are lovely and cozy and still nicely shapely?
Any patterns you've tried with success?  Any ideas on the best materials to use?
Any slipper wisdom gratefully received!

S x

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