Boho Pendants

 I managed to finish my heart dingle dangles in time for the romantic day and they are hanging, happily from my fireplace now.

Most cheerful and bright they look and if, on the rare occasion, the sun does land on them, they shine beautifully.  I threaded them together with a mish mash of beads from my collection.  A motley selection of dismantled jewelry, leftover craft sets and a pot of wooden beads I actually purchased many moons ago.  Making these pendants was a very happy task indeed.  Threading beads with very little thought to selection and then a heart and back to beads.  Super easy and satisfying.  I can recommend it.

I also whipped up a pendant for my scissors too.  I like to have something on them to make them a little easier to find when they fall to the bottom of the yarn basket and to try and help them stop getting lost.

I used crochet thread for this little heart and added an extra round with some seed beads on the outside for an extra touch.  I think it came out quite nicely and it makes me happy to see it sitting beside me while I crochet.  I look forward to snipping so that I can pick it up and dangle the beads around.  It also provides a handy place to stow the needle when not in use to, I find.

Happy little projects!


Pattern: Boho Hearts
(For the slighter smaller hearts, I stopped after Round 3)
Yarn: Beregere de France Ideal
Hook: 3.5mm (USA E)

Pattern: Boho Hearts
I made 2 hearts up to Round 3, then placed then together, back to back and used Round 4 to crochet them together.  I also added an additional round (same as Round 4), replacing each 1ch with a bead.
Yarn: Petra Crochet Cotton No 5
Hook: 2.2mm

You might also like to have a look at my Granny Heart Tutorial if you're looking for Valentines ideas...

S x

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