Colour Collaborative: May

Illustrations by Jill Barklem


That first picture isn't to show that my childhood was a fancy affair, full of four poster beds and rooms with majestic high ceilings and space to hold a small barn dance.  No, the point of that picture is to show a possible reason for my leanings in later life.

The pictures will probably be familiar to you, if you are around my age or so and live in the UK.  Although the Brambly Hedge books are apparently a worldwide phenomenon these days and are even now back in publication, so you might be familiar with them even if you live in other parts of the world too, or maybe your children are.

The point is, I loved these books as a child, I just poured over them.  The Winter Story was the one I remember the most, the idea of digging tunnels and scurrying from house to house under the snow seemed so exciting.  A few years ago, I brought a 'Complete Brambly Hedge' book for my daughter and leafing through the pages, with a little more enthusiasm than my daughter, it has to be said, I discovered how little I've strayed from my childhood tastes.

Illustrations by Jill Barklem

Look at those lovely scrappy, colourful quilts.  I've probably got at least a dozen of those quilts pinned to my Pinterest boards.

Then there's this beauty.  Crammed with details, as usual,  rows of colourful books, piles of fabric on tables and floors, fleece, a mouse spinning and what looks to me very much like it could be a loom. It'd make a wonderful craft room wouldn't it?

Illustrations by Jill Barklem

Or maybe we should take tea with the mice instead.  Enjoy a slice of victorian sponge, pour tea from the pot, kept warm with a beautiful hexagon (paper pieced I bet) tea cozy and rock in our chairs while a neatly made bed covered in a patchwork quilt awaits us upstairs.

Illustrations by Jill Barklem

I love the soft and yet still full of colour palettes that these pictures make too and I love the pastel shades used in this set of three new quilts that the mice rustled up when then found out new additions were on the way.

Illustrations by Jill Barklem

Yes, looking back, I don't think my dreams and aspirations have changed that much since childhood really.  A quiet homely life in a quiet little home with a little bit of colour to keep things cheerful.

: :

Don't forget to check out the other great 'Colour Collaborative' blogs
for more of today's great posts...

Annie at Knitsofacto
Gillian at Tales From a Happy House
Jennifer at Thistlebear
Claire at Above the River
Sarah at Mitenska

What is The Colour Collaborative? 
All creative bloggers make stuff, gather stuff, shape stuff, and share stuff.
Mostly they work on their own, but what happens when a group of them work together?
Is a creative collaboration greater than the sum of its parts? We think so and we hope you will too.
We'll each be offering our own monthly take on a colour related theme, and hoping that in combination 
our ideas will encourage us, and perhaps you, to think about colour in new ways.

S x

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