The Dancing Flowers Shawl arrives at last!
Cast your minds back, waaaaay back to August of last year...
Do you remember this little summery cotton shawl that I made? You can read all about it here if you'd like. If you were here with me back then you might recall how excited I got about the dangly flowers and the fact that I got so carried away with it, I even experimented with wearing it as a skirt. Maybe the excitement had gone to my head, who knows. Anyway, my intention was always to release a pattern of this 'Dancing Flowers Shawl' as I am calling it.
Unfortunately it's taken me longer than usual to get my act together on this one. What with one thing and another by the time I'd written the pattern and got myself organised the winter months were well upon us and the time hardly seemed right to be thinking of releasing summer-ish shawl patterns. So the idea got put on hold for a bit until the warmer days came round again.
Of course, living in the UK as I do, warmer days aren't exactly ten a penny around here and things dragged on rather longer that I intended. Some of you kind, wonderful people hadn't forgotten about the shawl though and sweet loves that you undoubtedly are, you were still eager for the pattern to arrive. Thank goodness for your patience, kind readers, I appreciate and adore you for it.
Which makes me especially happy to tell you, that at last the days of waiting are over. The pattern is ready and the pattern is here - yippee!

As is always the case with patterns, it's important to have them tested to try and make sure any glaring errors are weeded out early on. Of course, I try to do a lot of this work myself by making sure things are correct and checking everything but there comes a time when it is far better to have the eye of another cast their gaze upon it and see if it comes up wanting.
In this case, I had two pairs of particularly brilliant eyes focusing their attention upon it and I'm so grateful to them both for their help and their hard work in helping me make this pattern as clear, concise and correct as it can be.
So a huge thank you goes to the wonderful Carmen (NZCarms on Ravelry) and the equally fabulous Charlene, who I still always think of by her Ravelry name of Nanita. Thank you so much to both of you, you've done a really great job!
I think it's time I showed you how to get hold of this pattern don't you?
by Sandra Paul
To find out more information about the pattern:
Dancing flowers Shawl
Thank you so much everyone for your kind support of all my patterns,
I really appreciate it so much.
And as always, if you have any pattern questions, queries, or if you just want to come and share your lovely projects for us to ooh and ahh over, please do come along to the Ravelry Group:
Cherry Heart's Cozy Corner
I'd love to see you there!
S x