Hanging Around
It's always nice to tick something off the list isn't it?
I'm sure you know the list I'm talking about, it's the one that's added to far quicker than you can possibly keep up with, or even probably complete in a lifetime. Yep, it's the ever growing 'Crafty Things I Want to Make One Day' list. These hangers have been on my version of that list for ages and ages. Probably since I bought this Japanese Crochet book from Pomadour's Craft Cafe on Etsy, which contains, amongst the many, many pretty things, some cute as a button coat hanger covers.
I think one of the main stumbling blocks on my path to hanger happiness was sourcing those particular style of vintage look hangers. A quick search previously had not revealed the kind of hanger I wanted and the idea got pushed further down the list, as these things tend to do when you can't act of them straight away.
Then somewhere along the way I discovered that I had one lonely hanger of the right shape and after seeing yet more crocheted covers in a recent magazine, I pulled out the book again with renewed enthusiasm. Of course, you can't stop at one with these things, or at least I can't, so I determined to find more of the 'right sort' of hangers straight away. I think that fate approved of my idea and so decided to throw a handy coincidence my way. After an enjoyable meeting with my friend in crochet, the lovely Sam of Betsy Makes, I learnt that she too has the book (in English!) and was in the process of making herself the exact same hanger covers.
Sam got her hangers from Dunelm Mill so I was all set to go and get some myself, but being an impatient sort, I decided to go internet hunting again and this time, tracked them down. It turns out that 'Crescent Hangers' is the search term you want for successful crochet cover suitable hanger shopping!
Armed with lots of naked hangers, I set about covering them up and that's what's been keeping me occupied this past half-term. That and the usual holiday business of ensuring that Little Miss is entertained from dawn to dusk of course.
Pleasingly this is another 'using up the yarn scraps' type of project as you don't need too much yardage to cover a hanger and even less for all the dangly whatnots. It took me a little while to work out what yarn I should be using, the disadvantage of having the Japanese version of the book is that I only have the hook size and the charts to go by. Normally that does me just fine but this took a little playing around to get the right results.
Very happy in the end though.
So happy in fact, I've been making more of them. I'll save those for next time though...
Pattern: From Making Magazine, Issue 47 (May 2014)
Yarn: Left over Debbie Bliss Cashmerino
Hook: 3mm & 2.5mm
Pattern: From Crochet with Colour
Yarn: Cover - Cascade 220
Flowers - Bergere de France Ideal
Hook: 3mm & 2.5mm
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