Some things...

Busy, busy, busy!

That's what life is like for me at the moment.  What about you?  In my part of the world we're into that last stretch of school before the 'big' holidays, the long weeks of summer and suddenly there seems like there's just so much I need to do before those weeks begin.

There's always that adjustment period at the start of the holidays, when both me and Little Miss take a little while to settle into the new routine.  I miss the freedom of just being able to get on with what I need to do uninterrupted and she misses the constant occupation that school provides.

We find our way after a while of course, she starts to find ways to keep herself amused without needing my constant input so I can get the jobs done and I manage to find a way to sneak a little crafty joy in while she's playing at a friend's or on an outing with Nanny and Grandad maybe.  But I confess I do feel a little bit of trepidation when I know the big break is coming.  I hope I'm not alone in that!

Anyway, let me fill you in on the few things that are keeping me going at the moment...

 Crochet Corner

Oh I'm so glad you approve of my new little corner!
At least, if you didn't, you were polite enough to keep quiet about it and I bless you for that.  The response has been fabulous and I've already received so many wonderful suggestions in the inbox, which is really great.  I'm so happy that you like how things are shaping up so far and I'm grateful you've taken the time to let me know your thoughts.

I'm going to be adding more content in the coming weeks, but there's plenty that still needs re-jigging and re-working to do behind the scenes, so you might find things look a bit funny from time to time.  Fear not though, it should all mean a better site at the end of it.

(By the way, the picture above has nothing much to do with Crochet Corner, apart from the fact that it's crochet obviously.  But it's pretty crochet, so I thought I'd pop it on in there.)


Hooray, at last the sun has his hat on and has come out to play!

At least he has here.  I hope he's shown his face where you are in the world too?  It's been a pure joy this week though to be outside again and go to parks again and not be wet and miserable.  Fingers crossed it stays for the weekend, pretty please?

The right knitting

I've started a new knit.  I'm a little fickle when it comes to knitting lately.  I do much less of it these days and I like it because I find it more soothing and relaxing when I'm busy but it has to be the right kind of knitting.  Nothing too complicated, nothing too fussy.  Monotonous is the key word for my maximum enjoyment right now.

There is a little bit of pattern at the start of this cardigan I'm making for The Child, but I can handle that as it's new and I'm excited but soon I'll be on to rows and rows of gloriously boring stocking stitch - fabulous.

S x