Pretty up your turn up!

Pretty fabric turn-up jean hems

It seems like a long time since I've had the gratification of a quick and easy project.  So, last week, when I found myself with an hour to spare, I decided to scratch that itch and at the same time put another tick on my big list of 'stuff to try sometime'.

I got this idea from some jeans I saw in a shop.  A plain pair of jeans, with a little bit of pretty around the hem.  Simple but so very effective.  So effective in fact that I almost brought them right then and there but as it was also such a screamingly obvious 'you could do that yourself' type moment I forced myself to keep my purse closed and try it out when I got home.

As is my way, trying it as soon as I got home didn't quite happen and even though I had a pair of victims already in mind for the chop, the weeks rolled by, as weeks tend to do.  But, as that little hour landed in my lap, I knew what I was going to do.  Take the scissors to my most favourite, but decidedly seen much better days, pair of jeans.

My favourite jeans, ready for the chop and a new pretty hem

My favourite jeans, all shopped up ready for a new pretty hem

My jeans, with their pretty new floral fabric turn-up hem line.

It was a little bit of a flying by the seat of the pants type hour.  I'm not the worlds most naturally gifted sewer and speedy sewing projects aren't my forte.  A fair amount of sitting around and pondering is usually required but as I didn't have time for that I just kind of got stuck in.  The seamstresses amongst you would probably wince if I told you the details but at the end of that hour I still had a pair of jeans and what's more, I had a pair of pretty presentable turn-ups on them too - yay!

There's only one minor fly in the ointment.  They don't really fit anymore.

Okay, maybe a major fly.

I can get them on still, as you can see, but they are snug.  Not too bad while I'm standing but not so great when moving around is required.  I decided, as I liked them so much, I'd stubbornly wear them anyway.  So they were a little tight, so what?  Maybe they'd loosen up a little with wear?  That was a great theory until I knelt down to  play cards with little Miss that evening.  Cutting off the blood circulation to your lower calves is a little harder to ignore.  Humm, maybe sheer stubbornness wasn't going to work.

So, it's looking like the seam ripper might be the answer I need to really get the pretty hems I want, but I'm not giving up.  I love this idea and any talented sewers among you who have any tips to offer, please do speak up, I'm all ears.

And in the meantime, I've chosen the next victim...

The next pair of jeans to have the fabric hem turn-up treatment

S x

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