Getting ready for the off...

These summer holidays are racing and rushing by for me this year, absolutely whizzing.  It's a little disconcerting really, as we are going to be away next week and it feels like it'll be September in the blink of an eye.

Still, we do have our jolly holiday to look forward to first and I'm just in the process of collecting all the various bits and pieces together from around the house and trying to find spaces for them all to be stored in.  All so that we are nicely ready for the ridiculously early morning start we seem to have arranged for ourselves this time around.

Of course, I'm concentrating on the priorities, which yarn and what project would be best to take?  Which will be best for working on in the car, more to the point?  Because if there's one thing I've learnt about our holiday jaunts to France, it's that there will be no shortage of car-bound hours.  Time that can be most effectively and productively filled with happy, happy crochet.

The basket above is looking promising.  Simple granny squares are the plan for those colours.  Nice easy pattern, no thinking required - good.  Lots of colour changes and ends - not good.  Hummm.

Small people are not to be entertained long with thoughts of packing though.  She stayed long enough to debate which of her own clothes would be best to take but quickly lost interest when I wanted to move on to mine, so we're breaking it up with some bike riding, flapjack making and apparently butterfly snapping.  The flapjacks, in theory, are to be saved for the potentially blurry-eyed travellers as the perfect breakfast snack on the go.  If they last that long of course.

Meanwhile, I'll back to thoughts of yarn again.  There's another idea I wanted to try out for a shawl, maybe that would be better.  There'd be a large quantity of simple crochet in one colour for the main part of the shawl, which would work well for the car...  Simple pattern - good.  No thinking - good.  One colour and no faffing with ends - good.  Yes the Car/Crochet Compatibility Ratio (yes, the CCC Ratio - it's a thing - well, it is now, I just made it up!)  is high for this one.

We may have a winner....

...but then, I am rather drawn to the first basket too.

Would it be way too much to take both I wonder?

: :

Before I go....

I'm afraid I just haven't had a chance to keep up with my emails and messages this week and of course, next week I'll be away so nothing will happen then either - sorry about that!  

I do appreciate all of your comments though, they always make me smile and sometimes giggle too.  I'll try to catch up as soon as I can when I come home.

In the meantime, I know I lot of you were asking me about patterns and things so here's a bit more info:

Will the be a pattern for the lacy  triangle bunting?
Yes, there will be, in 2 favours, small and large triangles.  And, it's going to be free! - Yippee!
I'll try and post this very soon after I get back.

Will there be a pattern for the painted flowers blanket?
Yes, I'm writing it now and I'll be releasing hopefully later this year, probably some time after the Christmas Tree Skirt?

Oh yeah, the Christmas Tree Skirt, is that still coming?
Yep, it most definitely is.  It's practically ready to go, so when I get back and get straight again, I'll get it finished up and released.  Early September is the plan.

I hope that answers a few of your questions and will tide you over till I get back!

: :

See you soon...

S x

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