Pasting it Pretty
There are times when a bit of slap dash crafting is exactly what you want and making over these little Ikea drawers with paper and glue fits exactly into that category.
These particular drawers were firmly in the hands of my Little Miss though, as they were destined to house knick knacks in her room. Although I was more than happy for her to be in charge of the project, there are times when a child's enthusiasm to get started can led them to rush into a mad session of hap-hazard gluing, painting, over sticking and re-painting. Fun to be sure but it does give mixed results, aesthetically speaking. As this was to be on display in her room, hopefully for a while to come, I felt compelled to 'stick my oar in' before she got started.
Luckily, now she is a little older, she is willing to chat over her ideas with me and a loose plan of action was formed. All her own ideas I hasten to add, but by talking it over and telling me what she wanted to do and how it should look, she got it all straight in her own mind. Which I thought would do much reduce the chance of the 'random paint colours added in at the last moment and everything turning in a big murky mess' factor!

I was happily in the role of 'Artist's Assistant', passing paint colours, cutting papers into squares and topping up the glue pot. She enjoys these little creative things so much and it's so sweet to see her confidence in her own ideas growing and for her to be able to direct me, rather than the other way round.
We make quite the little team now and after a while she asked me to help stick some papers to the sides, due to sheer size of the thing and not only was it really fun to do but it was lovely to be sitting there, chatting and working away together side by side.
S x