Quite a lot of Things

I'd meant to come here today with a bit of a craft room update but instead I've decided to go off at a bit of a tangent and talk about the strange and curious discoveries I'm making whilst in the midst of the renovations.  You are never too old to learn new things about yourself (apparently) and although I thought I had a pretty good handle on what makes me tick it turns out there's a sneaky underbelly to my character that I'm only just now finding out about.

I have always considered myself a very monogamous crafter.  One thing at a time is my mantra.  Finish the current project and only then move onto the next.  Ok, so maybe I have to start a new project while I wait for the buttons to arrive for the last and maybe I'll have a sewing project and a crochet project on the go at the same time.  All perfectly fine and reasonable and well within the accepted parameters of The Monogamous Crafter that I claim to be.

But in sorting out my craft room I'm finding out that I have been deceiving myself for quite some time now.   I've been unearthing all sorts of half started knits, sewing schemes, pattern prototypes and other potential someday maybe ideas squirreled away about the place.  

I don't often have to issue content warnings on this blog but it's been a shock to my system to discover the depth of my Serial Crafter tendencies and I thinks it's only fair to warn weak hearted readers to look away now before I reveal the worrying extent of my troubling addiction....

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So, you think you can handle it eh?  Ok, well let's begin then.  Let's delve into...

The  World of the (Supposedly) Monogamous Crafter

Exhibit A: The Proto-Cushion

This collection of Debbie Bliss Cashmerino yarns I pulled out only yesterday with a view to making a new cushion cover for my craft room chair, using the square pattern from my Painted Roses Blanket.  This one I want to start very soon as I have a bare cushion pad in there at the moment - not so pretty.

Exhibit B:  The Almost Pouch

I've got all the bits I need in here to make another of those little pouches I made to keep hair clips in for Little Miss now so long ago.  This had been hanging around the place ever since I made the last pouch at the beginning of October, almost two months ago.  Why haven't I just made it already?

Exhibit C:  Pattern Planning

I made these samples up at least forever ago for a pattern idea that came to me.  I can't even remember now if I've written the pattern up yet or not.  But I do remember that I thought it was a rather spiffing idea and it will still happen, hopefully, one day, eventually.

Exhibit D: The Gift

This one, I'm proud to say, is at least almost finished.  It's going to be a little something for a special person and it's coming together nicely.  Phew!

Exhibit E:  Experiments

These are lots of potential wips in the making here.  This is a pile of potential pattern ideas that have come to me and I've not been able to wait to have a little go with hook and yarn to see if I could get the idea into reality.  Whether or not any of these go any further than this remains to be seen.  There's a couple of gems in there though that I think will definitely make it out.

Exhibit E:  The Clapotis (Maybe)

This is a tricky one that I'm not sure will survive.  It's supposed to become a Clapotis scarf and although the pattern has been on my list for a thousand years or so, it's now been sat in this state on my needles for a few hundred more.  The problem was that I didn't like how the yarn looked when knitted up.  (Although it manages to look really good in this shot.)  In reality it's a lot more sort of muddy and murky and I wasn't sure it was right for me.  My back-up plan was to gift it to someone but I'm not really enjoying the knit so it has languished untouched.  I'm afraid to say it's future is not at all certain.

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So, that's five wips, a whole collection of pattern prototypes and I haven't even mentioned the thing I started last night yet.  And, I've just now remembered the shawl I started in the summer which I haven't finished yet.  (Oh heck!)  By my reckoning that adds up to... 5, 6, 7, some more... let's round it up to A Lot.

I'm sure there will be those of you out there with a more impressive selection of wips to your name. (Please?)  I'm claiming no records, but I think it's fair to say that my 'One Thing at a Time' motto has been well and truly blown out of the water.  The question is, can mend my ways and return to my monocrafting days, or have I entered a new multi-maker phase I wonder?

What about you?  Monogamous or Serial Crafter and have you always been that way?

S x

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