Oh Christmas Tree...

I'm not normally one to want to leave things to the last minute, at least, not so much these days.  (Maybe some of the homework and exam revision in my youth wasn't completed with 100% efficiency, but I like to think I've moved on from those darks days.)  Still, when it happens that you find yourself with a few of those precious last minutes to hand it's nice to be able to put them to good use.

I  came across a pinned picture of these very cute little Christmas Tree tags by Nadra on the Ellis and Higgs blog a few weeks ago and have been dying to have a little go at making my own.  Nadra, as well as being extremely creative and stylish indeed, is obviously a very kind soul too because she even goes to the trouble of translating her tutorial into English.  To someone with a terrible lack of language skills, I'm both impressed and grateful.

So what you see here is the result of a grown woman spending a very pleasurable afternoon playing with felt, beads and sequins.  Close though it now is to the 'big day', this is a little craftiness that there is still time for.  I'm most happy with them and think they will make very pretty tags for our presents this year!

Talking of being so close to Christmas, I dare say I will not now see you until we are on the other side of the grand event.  I have a post scheduled for the inbetween week but shall not be properly back with you again until we have clicked over into 2015.  So, I shall take this opportunity of wishing you a...

M e r r y    C h r i s t m a s 

and a

H a p p y   N e w   Y e a r   !

S x

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