Easter is here

I must say, I'm glad the holidays are here.  I was thinking I could do with a break.

Although, as usual lately, even our holidays are a mad rush of activity.  This first week I think we have one day where we're not doing anything, but other than that, it's all go, go go.  Maybe the week after Easter will be the one for resting in.  I hope so.

Still, we've got some fun things to look forward to so I mustn't complain.  I think a tiny little break from the health and fitness regime might be called for too though, there are too many temptations about at the moment.  A little indulgence won't hurt me will it?

I haven't really had a whole lot of time for new projects this Easter, so I've just brought out my old ones instead.  It's nice to see them again.  The baskets are full of eggs again...

You can find my 'basket tutorial' here, if you'd like to make some of your own.  They are a quite nice and easy project, so there's still time.

And the faithful old tree is up again too.  Little Miss is very much in charge of the decorating of this tree these days, so I can just still back and pass things as instructed.  It's not my natural inclination, this taking the back seat business, but as long as I retain ultimate power over the Christmas tree, I can manage to let it slide!

I particularly like her Hama bead 'Easter', that she made last year.  Very cute.

Then of course, there is the good old 'hop, hop, hop bunting', in it's fourth year of use no less.  This blogging lark is a little scary when it makes you realise how fast time whizzes by in that way.  Eek!

There's no pattern for the bunting I'm sorry to say, but I did do a little template for the bunny shapes if you are at all interested in using those.

And so we are ready for a fun filled Easter and hopefully there will be moments of relaxation too.  Like just now, LM is off on a pony day and so I really do need to dedicate a little more time to this cushion cover that I've decided I need right now!

: :

Don't forget it's the last day to post your blanket progress in the #CHBAL - Prize thread on Ravelry.

The thread closes tonight at 10pm UK time.  Thank you so much to everyone who has entered so far, there are so many gorgeous blankets already, it's very exciting.

I'll be back to declare the winners on Friday!

S x

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