Colour Collaborative: April


The prettiest thing in red around here at this time of year is the tulips in the garden.  They seem to have survived a lot better than the daffodils from the bulbs we planted a few years ago and always make a valiant effort to put on a good show.  They have just gone over now I've come to take a photo of course so I've substituted the beauties above.

I've always been quite drawn to red.  When I was younger I would say it was my favourite colour.  Even now when we play board games at home, maybe just by habit, my first choice is always to be the red playing token.  Funny really as red is always making a statement isn't it?  It's a colour that almost shouts 'Hey, look at me!'  Not very me at all.

But I love it's brightness and vibrancy, it's warmth and impact.  It so often is a colour that brings a scheme to life for me.  Sometimes in all it's bold and dramatic vivaciousness and sometimes in deeper, richer tones.  It has an amazing ability to play well with soft colours as well as brighter ones, I love that about it, it makes it so useful.

Photo credit: Weglet

Photo credit: M0tty (CC BY-SA 3.0)

I think it can be colour to wary of though.  It's a powerful hue indeed and can easily overpower and overwhelm.  We once painted our dining room wall in a deep red.  My idea of course.  I was in love with the plan, delighted with my paint choice, thrilled with the outcome.... for about a week.  In reality it made the room very dark and oppressive and the longer it stayed the more I hated it.

Thankfully, it's gone now and I'm glad to say it hasn't tarnished my love of red in the least.  I just use it with a little more caution these days!

: :

Don't forget to check out the other great 'Colour Collaborative' blogs
for more of today's great posts...

Annie at Annie Cholewa
Jennifer at Thistlebear
Claire at Above the River

What is The Colour Collaborative? 
All creative bloggers make stuff, gather stuff, shape stuff, and share stuff.
Mostly they work on their own, but what happens when a group of them work together?
Is a creative collaboration greater than the sum of its parts? We think so and we hope you will too.
We'll each be offering our own monthly take on a colour related theme, and hoping that in combination 

our ideas will encourage us, and perhaps you, to think about colour in new ways.

S x

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