Myprint 247 Business Card Giveaway
I've been thinking recently about the idea of getting some cards printed. Just a little something with my web address and email on to pop in the post when I send packages and commissions out, things like that. A business card I suppose is what want.
Being the woman of decisive action that I am, I did absolutely nothing about the idea except ponder over it every once in a while. Recently, after sending out quite a few parcels in a row, I decided I really must get something done about the idea when an email from the lovely people at Myprint 247 popped up in my inbox.
Would I be interested in trying out some of their business cards? Better yet, would I be interested in hosting a giveaway on my blog so that one of my charming readers could win a set for themselves too?
Why yes, kind and wonderful Myprint 247, I most certainly would like to do that!
I used my own artwork on my cards, as I already have the blog styling that I could use to tie everything in together, that made sense for me. But they have all kinds of pretty templates online to choose from if you don't have something prepared. There's also lots of styles too, you can have them printed in landscape or portrait, matt or gloss card, or even rounded corners. I was tempted by rounded corners.
They also do postcards, letterheads, leaflets and all sorts of exciting things that might be useful and the prices seem reasonable too. I don't know about you, but I've always assumed the cost of getting something printed would be a bit steep. Looking at their prices though, it really isn't, so I'll be remembering this site for future.
These are my cards...
What do you think?
I'm so pleased with them! They came really incredibly quickly and they look fantastic. I love that I was able to use my little Cherry Heart header font from the blog, it looks just right I think.
So, would you like some too?
Win a set of business cards from Myprint 247
All you need to do to win your own free set of 100 cards is...
1. Leave a comment on this post
2. Remember to fill in your email address
: :
Only one comment per person please.
(Only your first comment will be accepted, all others will be deleted.)
The competition will close on Friday 24th April 2015 at 22:00 (UK time)
(The winner will be drawn at random, announced on this blog and notified by email)
The giveaway is now closed. Thank you for all your entries!
: :
Good luck!
S x