Blog Shuffling

It seems my restlessness is continuing but luckily it is resulting in lots of action.

Not necessarily the sort of action I should be focussing on, but action nonetheless.  Which is a start.  I'll have to work on honing in on the things I should be doing this week I suppose.

In the meantime though, it means I need to tell you all about a few bloggy changes I've been making.

First of all, I've updated my Tutorial Page...

I've cleaned up the layout a bit, made everything a bit clearer and there are some brand new tutorials available, which were first seen on the Hobby Farms site last year.  Now you can find them all right here on my blog, including the gardener's apron I made above.

You'll also find...

Sewn Mitred Napkins
Mini Ironing Board
Crocheted Napkin Rings
Crocheted Egg cozies


: :

It's also resulted in a brand new

Blanket Page

 Where I've popped all the relevant post links, tutorials and other useful bits of information on all the blankets I've made so far.  I thought it might prove handy for those of you looking for blanket inspiration or just as a quick way to check back on things you know you read somewhere!

You can find it by clicking through to either 'Patterns' or 'Tutorials' and it's right up on the menu bar.

: :

I hope those pages are helpful to you and if you have any problem with links or anything, do let me know.

S x


